The Broom Closet

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It was the next day, and I had Potions first. I hated it so much, not because of Snape because I'm one of his favourites, but because of Mattheo. Every lesson we would awkwardly walk past each other getting something or to get to our seats. 

At one point I knocked something out of his hand by accident, and I tried to just walked away as if nothing happened. But before I could do so, he grabbed me by my wrist and said, 'It's common courtesy to say sorry when you do something like this.' My body suddenly forgot how to breath and my eyes couldn't look up at him. 

'Sorry..' I mumbled, expecting him to let go. He didn't. 'Let me go Mattheo.' His grip remained strong. 'Let. Go.' I said stiffly, trying to pull away from him. But he still didn't let go, instead his eyes were glazed, a malevolent smile across his face.

'The final game is in two days. I wouldn't act like this if I were you. For the sake of Harry.' he whispered in my ear. My eyes grew, and my heart pounded. I heard him exhale quickly and then let my wrist go - the red ring around my wrist leaving an echo of what he had just said. Before I could say anything Mattheo was already on the other side of the room talking to Riven, one of the irrelevant kids at Hogwarts.  I speed-walked up to my table and stood across from Draco who was concentrating on the potion we were meant to be doing. 

'Draco.' I whispered. He didn't hear me. He's deafer than Father. 'Draco!'

'What!?' he said angrily, causing his potion to make a weird sputtering noise like an engine failing. 'Ugh. Look what you did.'

'Mattheo just threatened me.' Draco's eyebrows raised slightly. 'He just said I shouldn't be pissed for the sake of Harry since the final game is in two days.' Snape was coming around to check and I fumbled around with the lizard toenails to seem busy. 

'Look.' I pulled up my sleeve and showed Draco the faded red mark around my wrist. A look of fury took over his face for a split-second before he went back to normal. 'OW!' I yelped as a sharp pain hit me on the back of my head. It was Snape. His cool, non-chalant yet evil expression remained as his eyes gave me a venomous look telling me to get to work instantly. 

Was I going to listen? No.

'Y/N, I suggest just let it be. He's probably just...going through stuff.' Draco said coolly.

'What do you mean? Puberty? The fuck? He's going through things??' Draco's eyes narrowed to slits as I spoke followed by a long, drawn-out sigh. 'Can you stop acting like Father, it's weird.' 

'Just leave it be Y/N, do your work or something. Just stop pestering me.' 

Even though Draco was older than me by only seven minutes, he acted like the difference was seven years. But I was used to it, so I just rolled my eyes and began working. 


An hour had passed and it was the end of the school day. Mattheo and I turned back and glanced at each other as soon as the bell rang and looked away immediately. 'Um. I have somewhere.' Draco looked in my general direction warily and looked away. I scoffed and hopped off the high rise stool and out the classroom. I honestly didn't know where I was headed but I just wanted to be far, far away from him. 

I kept walking till I could only hear my heart throbbing against my rib cage, and the sound of a  familiar set of footsteps. Goddamn it

'Mat-' I began. His warm hands clasped my mouth so I couldn't speak and shoved me backwards into a broom closet. I froze in place out of shock. His body was so close to mine, so much closer than it had been in such a long time. The smell of his cologne drifted up my nose and smelt so familiar and safe. Tears pricked my eyes. No. 'Mattheo, get OFF!' I yelled shoving him away from me. His body hit the door with a gentle thud, and his scent, his touch and his safety went with him. 

'We aren't meant to be talking.' I said stiffly looking at the floor. 


'Because you're about to help your dad in murdering Harry.'

'You know it's not just that Y/N.' he said with a hint of amusement in his tone. He knows what he's doing to me.

'Fuck off, Riddle. Leave me alone.' I pushed past him. Or at least tried to. 

'No. Talk to me, please. I miss you so much, everyday it fucking kills me to walk past you and not say a single word to you. I'm sorry for how I acted before Y/N. I can't take this anymore, please just talk to me.' Tears are flowing down my cheeks at this point as I listen to him rant. 'Please. I need you right now, I'm at my fucking lowest and I need someone, not just someone, you.

'I...' I wipe my tears off my face and look him in the eyes. My heart melts when I see tears trailing down his face. I take half a step closer to him and he pulls me in for kiss. The kiss probably lasted for five seconds. But it felt like the longest five seconds I've ever experienced. We both just held each other and let the comfort and safety of each other's touch consume us. I didn't want to ever let go. I was afraid that if I did, I would never be able hold on to him like this again. 'Mattheo...' I said, still hugging him. 'We can't. For your own safety. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It breaks my heart everyday to walk past you like we don't know each other but its for your own good.'

Mattheo hugged me tighter, still gentle, he chuckled softly. 'Y/N, I can take care of myself. I promise.'

I stepped back from the hug, 'What about Harry?' He sighed. 

'I don't know.'

'The game is tomorrow. This could end a person's life. Or more.' I said seriously.

'Y/N, I'll try I promise. Do you have a plan?'

'Yes, but we need more than just us.' I smiled softly. 

My heart felt at ease somehow.

'Y/N?' he said softly.


Tender silence.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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