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"Do I miss you? No. As how can I miss you when you're constantly on my mind, and therefore constantly with me?"


Life is a complicated concept. There's love, but resentment. Happiness, but animosity. From a very young age we are taught what's right and what's wrong--even if those two subjects end up switched. We are taught what's socially acceptable, and who becomes an outcast. She was taught to speak her mind and love people unconditionally. The other was taught to look pretty and marry rich.

Rose colored glasses--cracked rose colored glasses--was how the latter saw the world. Narcissa had witnessed almost every fight--physical and verbal--between her parents. Her sister was a sadist who willingly went out of her way to harm others. She was fed blood purity views for breakfast, lunch, and dinner since she could cry. And one of the only people in her family she respected had been disowned.

Eleonora was the polar opposite in every way. Consistent "I love you"'s rang in the halls of her small home. She would never be without mail when the owl post arrived during breakfast in the Great Hall. Even if it was just a small box with a note that read "Found this and thought you'd like it. -Mum & Dad". Muggle candies from their shop in London were frequently sent to her where she was encouraged to share with the people around her. The phrase "I don't care who you love or what you do as long as you're happy" was a regular topic with her parents. Unconditional love is important to them, and why wouldn't it be?

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