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Deafening screams and hollers filled the air as Harry stepped out from the tent, eyes squinting as they adjusted to the light. Eleonora looked at him from the staffs' stand and her leg bounced up and down as she chewed at her thumb nail.

A gentle hand came to her knee, stopping its motions. "He'll be alright, dear." McGonagall looked at her fondly. "He's survived a lot worse."

"I know," Eleonora sighed. "But it still doesn't calm my nerves. He's fourteen. No kid at his age shoul-"

Her words were cut off by a rumble as Harry ducked behind a boulder. The mountainous Hungarian Horntail had spotted him at once, her instincts eyeing danger immediately. A low growl shook the stadium as she crept toward Harry in an attempt to protect the golden egg, and Harry's heart beat faster and faster.

He peeked around the boulder and his eyes widened as a cloud of fire billowed toward him, the students and staff in the stands gasping. Harry took a deep breath and retrieved his wand from his robe.

"Accio Firebolt!" he called. All was silent as he waited, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

It seemed as if time had slowed down. The crowd watched and waited as to whether or not the Firebolt would be coming. When the broom appeared, flying directly toward Harry, the crowd erupted into thunderous and deafening cheers.

Harry's heart beat faster and faster as flew through the air in an attempt to escape the Horntail. He rose up high until he became nearly a speck, but still, the dragon did not move, only looking up at him with its teeth bared.

It seemed as if Harry was taunting the dragon in some way. The poor beast had an air of fear to it as it guarded its cluster of eggs, and it took every opportunity it had to take a bite of Harry when he came close. But, he managed to dodge every cloud of fire and every clawed swipe-save for a spike on the dragon's tail tearing a gash into his arm. And, after making a swift move ducking under the dragon's wing, his hand reached out and grasped the golden egg in a tight hold.


The sounds of celebration could be heard all around the castle. No matter where you went, there was some form of excitement taking place.

Eleonora climbed the stairs to her chambers with a soft smile gracing her lips. As winter holiday approached, she couldn't stop thinking about Narcissa-her first Christmas where seeing her son truly wasn't an option, her first Christmas where her life was in complete disarray, and her first Christmas where she wasn't completely and utterly alone. For once in her life, Narcissa Black genuinely felt loved and cared for.

As Eleonora entered her room, the lights already on, she took a seat at her desk. She took out a piece of parchment and an ink bottle and quill, setting them up neatly on the surface, and began writing a letter. But, this letter was not to Narcissa.


It's been a while since I last spoke to you. As you know, Narcissa's convinced you still haven't forgiven her, and therefore she doesn't want to see you. Despite this, I want you to come over for Christmas dinner. I'm sure you're planning to spend the holiday with your family, but Narcissa is family as well, and I believe she deserves to know you hold no grudge against her. Some part of me feels like doing this is wrong as she told me not to, but I can't help feeling that she needs this-that you both need this. I can understand if you don't want to come, but I just ask you to consider it.

E. M.


Dumbledore stood at the grand podium at the head of the Great Hall. Every student was silent as they stared up at him from their desserts.

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