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!!!TW talk and scene of physical abuse!!!


With shaking hands, Narcissa slipped her glove over her forearm. Her left hand came to her right wrist, brushing over the darkening bruise and tender skin before finally pulling the white silk over it. Her jaw clenched as she turned the handle to her door, swallowing hard as pain shot through her wrist, and with a skill she never should've had to learn, she plastered on a fake smile and made her way to the entrance foyer.

The subtle shimmer radiated off her, a light arctic blue accentuating Narcissa's curves in the form of a column cut, and her hair was up in such a way as to elongate her neck, pearls loosely hanging over her chest. She glided down the stairs, making her way to her husband and placed her hand in the crook of his arm reluctantly. Draco caught their attention as he bounded the steps, taking his place beside his father just in time for the doors to open.

Horse-drawn carriages began pulling into the drive, circling around the courtyard to drop off the guests who were dressed in their finest gowns and their best dress robes. They climbed the stairs and nodded curtly at the three Malfoys who smiled as they welcomed their guests. As the Parkinsons smiled and made very brief small talk with Lucius, Pansy gave Draco a look that was not entirely ignored by Narcissa before the two of them smiled at each other and hid giggles.

When every guest on the list had arrived, Lucius and Narcissa, still arm-in-arm, stood in front of the crowd, Draco standing awkwardly beside them.

"Welcome!" Lucius beamed. "We are so pleased to have you all at our fifteenth annual New Year's Eve charity ball. Please be reminded that the donations are located in the entrance hall and that every galleon will be made out to St. Mungo's children's' wing. I encourage you to make out a donation tonight as we continue to make a change in our wonderful community."As the guests flitted off to mingle with one another and Draco went to find Pansy, Lucius leaned in close to Narcissa. "I trust you remember my orders?"

Sticking her chin out, her smile was unwavering, but her voice was low and anything but delightful. "You mean the orders that had me on my knees as you degraded, and quite literally harmed me? How could I forget?"

"It seems you've already forgotten them again," Lucius hissed. "Don't force me to have to remind you again."

At Lucius's words, Narcissa's demeanor changed instantly. She snapped her head toward him, jaw clenched and eyes aflame. "You're a despicable human being, you know that?"

Before Lucius could respond though, a pair of guests approached them and they once again returned to their happy couple facade.

"Lucius! Narcissa!" the man chimed. "It's wonderful to be attending tonight. Once again your events are anything but blasé. My wife and I will be sure to make a generous donation tonight. Of course, after a hearty helping of champagne so I remember not a thing tomorrow morning!"

Laughing along with the pair, Lucius responded, "Only the finest for our guests tonight, Mr. Nott! My wife has family relations in France which lets us dine with the finest wines. I encourage you to sample some of the glasses being offered tonight."

"I'll be sure to take your advice," Nott responded, nodding politely. "Narcissa, wonderful to see you tonight."

"You as well," Narcissa responded, smiling politely as the Notts wandered away.

Wandering around the room, they conversed with people of the highest positions in the ministry and families of the purest blood.

Laughing along with the Minister of Magic himself, Lucius patted Narcissa's forearm. "Yes, you know how wives are, always nagging about our work. This one here wouldn't stop trying to convince me to stay for Christmas."

As Narcissa bit back a snarky remark, she grimaced into her flute of champagne, Fudge laughing. "Oh, I know how it is. Darla wouldn't stop and went on and on about Christmas. She's currently giving me the ole' cold shoulder, but nothing a diamond necklace and a pair of earrings won't fix." He chuckled as he took a sip of his wine before looking Narcissa up and down. "Lovely to catch up with you both."

By the end of the night, Narcissa was exhausted. Draco had gone to bed early, leaving Narcissa and Lucius beside themselves as they bid goodnight to the final guests. As the doors shut, every charade they played with their acquaintances had seized. Narcissa's arm dropped and she took a single step forward before Lucius grabbed her arm.

"I told you to respect me the entire night," he seethed, teeth bared and whiskey on his breath as his hands gripped both of Narcissa's arms. "Overreacting about a silly mark, calling me despicable. I have asked one thing of you as my wife and you refuse to give it to me. Perhaps if I remind you again, you'll listen."

As Narcissa struggled to break from his grasp, his hands moved to her wrists, grasping them tightly. He pulled her to him, lips pressing to hers forcefully. She fought against him, trying to push him away before she finally managed to break from his painful grip. She stepped away from him, chest rising and falling quickly. Halfway up the stairs, she paused, not bothering to look back at him. "Perhaps, if you're so desperate for the respect you crave, you could get the satisfaction from your secretary or one of your prostitutes."

Silently, she made her way to her bedroom, shutting the door and taking care to double check it was locked. She stripped from her clothes, wrapping herself in the robe that still smelled faintly of Nora. She opened the window and a drawer in her vanity, pulling out a bottle of champagne she had snuck up earlier.

The clock on the nightstand read 11:58 and, sitting at the window seat, she raised the bottle of champagne with tears in her eyes as the chimes of midnight rang out, mixing with the sound of her music box. Her voice was strained as she murmured out a bittersweet toast. "To us, my darling Nora. May we have the life we've always craved-in each other's arms, and in a quiet and peaceful world."

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