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Nora let out a groan as she rolled over, but a smile quickly replaced it when she saw the quiet and peaceful figure of Narcissa sleeping. She was on her side, face toward Nora, and the sheets hardly covered her bare chest. There was no other time in the world where Narcissa looked so at ease-no troubles plaguing her thoughts, her mind but a quiet buzz of blissful dreams and happy memories. Nothing could harm her in this state.

Twenty minutes had passed before Narcissa began to stir from her sleep. Nora's hand held hers lightly as she mumbled something.

"What?" Nora giggled.

Narcissa's voice was raspy when she responded. "I said, 'good morning'."

"Good morning," Nora said, leaning forward to peck Narcissa on the nose. "I was thinking we could decorate for Christmas today."

"I think that's a wonderful idea, sweetheart," Narcissa sighed. She rolled onto her back and her hands dug into her eyes as she rubbed the heavy weight of sleep from them.

Nora moved closer until she was fully on top of Narcissa, the warmth of their bare skin touching sending a shiver down her spine as her head rested on her hand, elbow supporting her weight as she looked down at Narcissa.

"What?" Narcissa asked, giggling while her hand ran up down the length of her love's arm.

"I just love you..." Nora smiled, eyes lit up in adoration as she peered down at the woman beneath her. "Oh, also, I have a surprise for you."

Narcissa's cheeks flushed. "Oh? And what is this surprise?"

"It's a surprise for a reason, silly," Nora said before dropping a kiss onto the tip of Narcissa's nose.

She got out of bed, leaving Narcissa cold and by herself. "Come back," Narcissa groaned. "You're like my own personal heater."

"Well, I'm hungry, and I'd like to decorate before Christmas Eve." After pulling on a pair of pants and a t-shirt, Nora wrapped a robe around herself and tied it at her waist. "I'm sure you and Sirius would love to bake some cookies together. I just know how much you love spending time with each other."

Narcissa made a gagging sound and rolled out of bed. "Fine," she murmured. "But only because I love you."


"Sirius, you're using too much flour," Narcissa sighed, obviously peeved with Sirius's sub-par baking skills. "Move over. Let me do it while it's still edible."

Sirius backed off and joined Nora and Remus at the table. As he sat down, he winked at Remus. "Mission success," he grinned as Remus chuckled into his mug.

"You might not want to help," Nora said, "but I do."

She walked over to the kitchen counter where Narcissa stood, her hands covered in dough as she worked the flour in. Nora's arms wrapped around Narcissa's waist and she rested her chin on her shoulder. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"You can get my hair out of my face and scratch the itch on my forehead."

Nora happily complied and swept Narcissa's bangs out of her face before scratching her forehead. She smiled as Narcissa thanked her and leaned back for a kiss.

"Hey!" Sirius called. "I don't want any cooties in my cookies!"

"Then you should've made them yourself," Narcissa snapped back.


As Christmas Eve approached and Nora set out the last of the decorations, she became increasingly worried about Andromeda's arrival the following day. She knew that Narcissa wanted nothing to do with her, but if the pair of them just talked-one conversation-perhaps everything would be alright.

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