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Sunday, January 3rd, 1993

Narcissa woke up to a fluttering in her chest. Whether it was excitement or anxious nerves, it didn't matter. For once in her life she was looking forward to her birthday.

Climbing out of bed quicker than usual, she threw on a robe and made her way downstairs. The house was quiet-too quiet. Checking the kitchens, she sighed as she laid eyes on the familiar mess of birthday breakfast. She climbed the stairs back up to the main floor and she smiled at the sight of Draco in the sunroom.

Before moving forward, she stood there, watching as he fiddled over the tiniest details. Finally, she opened the french doors, the smell of freshly made pancakes hit her immediately, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice accompanying them.

"And what's all this?" Narcissa asked.

Draco, standing there with a nervous smile, shrugged. "Well, I haven't made you breakfast in a while. Father saw and said I should leave it for the house elves. Said it was beneath me."

Narcissa stepped forward, pulling him into a tight hug before taking a seat with him. "Well I've always found your breakfasts are much tastier than any other breakfasts I've had." As she took a pancake, spreading butter and pouring warmed maple syrup over it, something felt off. "Erm, speaking of him, where is your father?"

"He left this morning," Draco answered, taking a generous bite of his breakfast. "Said he had another work trip. Apparently he was accompanying the Minister to test out the security at Hogwarts. Make sure it's enough to keep out-well, you know."

Acknowledging his response with a nod, she paused. "Did he say how long he'd be away?"

"I think until the fifth," Draco said.

Narcissa swallowed, relieved she'd be alone for a few days...mostly. She smiled, continuing. "I ran into the Parkinsons yesterday in Diagon Alley while running a few errands. They're visiting the Highlands for the week at their family chateau. "

Draco shrugged, trying his best to sound uninterested. "Well, I dunno-"

"You can go," Narcissa said, looking up at him. "I don't mind."

"Really?" Draco's face lit up, much to the delight of Narcissa.

"Yes, really."

"But it's-"

"Draco, I said you're allowed to go," Narcissa sighed. "As much as I know you love disobeying mine and your father's orders, you deserve a good childhood."

"Mum," Draco groaned, "I'm not a child!"

Narcissa grinned, mumbling under her breath as Draco rolled his eyes. "Tell the stuffed dragon on your bed that."


As Narcissa shut the door, she sighed, taking in the blissful quiet of the manor. She ran up the stairs, a smile unwavering as she shut her bedroom door and pulled a piece of parchment and an inkwell from her vanity drawer.

With a giddy feeling in her chest, she scrawled a note:


Apparently my husband's need for validation from the Minister has worked out in our favor. I'll see you tonight at 6 o'clock.

With Love,


When she sent out the letter with the family owl, Ares, he returned an hour later with Nora's response.

With Love, || N.B.Where stories live. Discover now