𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 (!!!)

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⚠️Semi-public sex⚠️

August 21st, 1994

"Because you're a wanted criminal, Sirius! We'll be back by three!" Narcissa hollered back to Sirius as she stepped out onto the porch of 12 Grimmauld Place and closed the door, storing her wand in her pocket. Accompanying Nora, she pressed her sun hat firmly into place on her head before taking Nora's hand and pecking her on the lips.

"Are you sure you're alright with muggle shopping?" Nora asked, hopping down the stairs hand-in-hand with Narcissa.

As they strolled down the pavement, Narcissa sighed. "I mean, it's not what I'm used to, but I understand why we're not going to Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade."

Nora gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know. I just don't want to risk him finding you. He's not on any Ministry watchlist. I checked with Kingsley already. Said he probably paid them off."

"When hasn't he?" Narcissa scoffed, starting to laugh.

Starting to giggle, Nora looked at her, confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, Merlin, I'm sorry, I just-" She tried to take a deep breath, but failed, only laughing more as tears started to form.

A bright smile was plastered on Nora's face as they stood in the middle of the sidewalk, the sound of Narcissa's laugh hugging her on every side, and making her chest fill with a million tiny butterflies. "Cissa, I have no idea what-"

"I'm sorry, my love, I just-" Narcissa's hands came under her eyes, wiping away the continuous tears. "I find this whole situation so silly. I tried so hard as a teenager to convince my unofficial boyfriend, who I was betrothed to, to go to a stupid school dance, and then-" She started laughing again as she tried to explain herself. "--and then I had a girl who I picked on constantly, because I had the biggest crush on her, to help me get my unofficial boyfriend back! And we signed a contract we both broke immediately! A contract at 17 years old like we were some forty-five-year-old men making a business deal!" Laughing harder to the point she was almost snorting, tears clouded her vision. "Merlin, and then we lost all of our friends because we were such idiots!"

Nora doubled over as she laughed with Narcissa. "And when it was all over we never spoke again!"

Nora's addition caused Nacissa to snort, her hand grabbing onto the spike of the black wrought iron fence beside them to hold herself up. "Twenty-one years! We didn't speak to each other for twenty-one years! We could've written to each other at any point if we weren't a couple of chickens! And then my son taunted a damn hippogriff, and some unknown force brought us back together for some reason and we had an entire affair behind my shitty husband's back!" she said, roaring with laughter. "And then we didn't talk for months because I was being spied on! And my illegal animagus cousin who is wanted for a murder he didn't commit was sleeping in my bushes without me knowing until I found him while planting flowers, so I hid him in my greenhouse! And then you kidnapped me from the Quidditch World Cup! The Quidditch World Cup!"

"We literally walked through flames to be with each other, didn't we?" Nora cackled.

Choking on her own breaths, Narcissa nodded, her face red. "We did! We really did!" The laughter died down slowly as they caught their breaths, Narcissa's chest heaving. "Oh, Merlin...I'm just...I'm sorry, darling. I shouldn't be laughing about this." She let out a last airy giggle, wiping the tears from under her eyes.

Nora pulled her into a hug, calming down as well. "No, no! We need some laughter in our life!" She pulled away, taking her thumbs and wiping away Narcissa's tears. "Might as well laugh about our own."

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