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Saturday, December 16, 1972

A cold wind ripped through Hogsmeade as Eleonora and Pepper traipsed through the snow. The bell to Galdrag's Wizardwear rang as the pair stepped into the shop. Gaggles of girls aged 14 to 17 were browsing dress robes for the Yule Ball that would be taking place in just three days.

"Alright," Pepper sighed, rubbing her hands together for warmth. "I'm gonna go look for a dress. I'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks!"

Eleonora smiled back to her as they went their separate ways in the shop. But as she was turning, Eleonora ran straight into someone's back.

"Oh, Merlin!" she cried. "I'm so-oh never mind it's you."

Narcissa turned around, a handful of dresses in her clutch. "Careful, Nora, I can already see a blister forming on your hand!"

"Shut up," Eleonora muttered, turning away. She browsed around the store, finding nothing to her liking.

"Oh that wouldn't do for the ball," Narcissa said as she followed annoyingly close. "Nope, not if you're gonna be my dance partner," she said again.

Huffing and puffing, Eleonora turned around. "You know what? Fine. If none of these dresses are suitable, I'll take us shopping elsewhere." And with that, Eleonora grabbed Narcissa's hand, dragging her out of the shop. "Come on."

Apparating out of Hogsmeade, the pair landed in an alley.

"Where are we?" Narcissa asked, looking around.

"London," Eleonora replied smugly.

"London?" Narcissa repeated, aghast. "You apparated us to London because none of the dresses were to your liking?"

"Actually," Eleonora said matter-of-factly, "you were the one who kept shooting down the dresses."

Narcissa sighed, rolling her eyes. "Why are we in London? Out of all the places?"

Eleonora swiftly took Narcissa's hand again, pulling her out of the alleyway and onto the crowded street. "I'm gonna show you what a muggle mall is."

"Oh god," Narcissa groaned, being dragged off into the crowd.

Eleonora halted suddenly, turning around to face Narcissa. "But first, there's a shop I want to visit."

Without saying a word, Narcissa followed Eleonora, winding between passersby out on their errands run.

"It's just down the street!" Eleonora exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. "Aha! Here we go!"

As they rounded a corner and barged into a small, brightly colored shop, the smell of sweets filled their noses.

"I figured if we're supposed to be dating, then you ought to meet my parents. Mum! Dad!" Eleonora called.

"Is that who I think it is?" a man called happily, hopping down a staircase, wiping his hands on a dish towel.

"Dad!" Eleonora's smile grew at the sight of her father.

An odd looking man with sandy hair, he stood at six-feet-tall, two heads taller than his daughter. When she ran to hug him, his arms opened wide, embracing Eleonora with all the love and warmth a father should have-something Narcissa realized she had missed.

When Eleonora let go, her father paid his attention to Narcissa who stood in front of him looking sheepish. "And who's this?" he asked, smiling brightly.

"This is Narcissa Black," Eleonora answered. "She's a-friend."

"Hello," Narcissa smiled awkwardly, standing there fiddling with her thumbs. She looked quite out of place in the sweet shop. Her black cloak and deep green scarf contrasted greatly against the bright blues, pinks, and yellows of the wall behind her.

Eleonora's dad stepped toward her, his hand held out for her to shake it. "Elijah Murphy, pleasure to meet you!"

She took his hand reluctantly. His grip was firm, and if she were being honest, it hurt her a bit.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the staircase drew their attention to a round woman. Her face was bright and her eyes kind. She looked at them all, her smile identical to Eleonora's. "Well, what do we have here?"

"Mum! This is Narcissa!" Eleonora walked over to her mother, hugging her tightly and receiving the same in turn.

When she let go, her mother went to Narcissa, pulling her into a tight hug. "A pleasure to meet you, sweetheart. Call me Amanda." Eleonora's mother turned back to her. "I thought first term ends on the twentieth?"

Eleonora's face reddened. "Oh...it does...but, we were on a school trip and I thought I'd stop by."

"Well it's a wonderful surprise!" her mother chirped. "Oh!" She stopped suddenly, moving behind the glass case of sweets. "We just made some butter pecan fudge-I know it's your favorite, darling. We were going to send it through post, but since you're here now-"

She got a pair of tongs out, taking four pieces of fudge from the case. Placing two in one bag and two in another she handed one to Eleonora. "There you are, darling." She smiled brightly. She took the other bag, handing it to Narcissa. "One for you as well, dear. I don't want you two getting peaky on your way back to the school!"

"Thank you, Mum!" Eleonora walked around the counter, embracing her mother once again and peaking her on the cheek. "We should be heading out now! We're looking for dresses! There's a Yule Ball on the nineteenth."

"Oh, how exciting!" Her mother's smile grew brighter-if that was possible-and she paused. "Oh, here, love!" She opened a cabinet, unlocking a money box. Taking out a few notes, she handed them to Eleonora. "Here's fifty. Buy you and Narcissa something nice to wear, alright?"

"Thank you!" Eleonora smiled, shoving the bills in her pocket.

"You're going to lose those," Narcissa sighed. "Give them here, I'll put them in my bag."

Eleonora handed the notes to Narcissa before giving her parents one last hug. As The two exited the shop, Eleonora waved goodbye. "I'll see you next week! Don't burn down the house while I'm gone!"

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