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"Well, are you going to take it?" Narcissa asked.

"I mean-I dunno," Nora shrugged, looking at the three. "I've never taught before-especially a bunch of children! I wouldn't know how to manage them at all!"

Remus, his hands in his pockets, chuckled. "Well, you have an advantage this year. You won't be by yourself. I heard Mad-Eye will be accompanying you in the classroom."

Nora sighed, her cheeks puffing up. "Haven't seen him since we still called him 'Alastor'...I'll...think about it. Alright? This is a big deal. It's a career switch even if it's only temporary." She ducked her head, her voice lowering. "And quite a salary switch too."

Narcissa almost snorted as she held back a laugh, their heads almost pressed together. "It would be...it really would be," she giggled.

Composing herself, she looked back up at Remus. "Really, I'll think about it. Give me a day or two and I'll let you know."

"Alright," Remus said. "Dumbledore said to let him know by the twenty-fifth."

Eleonora nodded, watching quietly as Remus left the room.


Dinner had rolled around after hours of lazing around in the drawing room. Narcissa sat on the sofa as Eleonora laid down, her head in Narcissa's lap. As Narcissa ran her fingers through Nora's hair, her soft voice rang out, gradually lulling her to sleep.

But before Nora could even doze off, a loud clattering and clanging of metal came from the kitchen. She shot up before Narcissa reacted, her head bonking straight into her nose.

"Ow!" Narcissa dropped the book, her hand clutching her nose before she started laughing, eyes tearing up. "What was that for?"

"Oh, fuck! I'm so sorry!" Nora exclaimed. Her hands came up, removing Narcissa's from her face and replacing them with hers as she held her cheeks. She peppered kisses all over Narcissa's face, the both of them giggling before Eleonora realised why she had shot up. They both stood, running to the kitchen only to hear shouting.

"I won't!" Kreacher croaked. "I won't cook for that mudblood!"

Nora and Narcissa stood in the doorway, wide-eyed as they watched Kreacher and Sirius arguing. Pots and pans sat on the floor, some upside down, others right side up.

"She puts shame on the noble House of-"

"What's going on here?" Narcissa asked, her demeanour changing to an air of confidence.

"Mistress Cissy," Kreacher bowed, almost shaking as he stood before Narcissa's presence. "Master Sirius was just telling me I was to make dinner for this mudb-"

"Kreacher, I order you not to use that word," Narcissa commanded. "And you will, in fact, prepare dinner for all three of us. You are not to leave Elenora out. Do you understand?"

It was quite obvious that it was painful to Kreacher when he bowed, his voice quivering as he obeyed. "Yes, Mistress."

"And give Buckbeak-or Witherwings-whatever his name is, the scraps of meat," Sirius added on.

As Kreacher turned around, mumbling under his breath and preparing dinner, Narcissa and Nora sat down at the table across from Sirius. An awkward silence filled the room and Narcissa reached for a roll in the basket before she decided she wasn't that hungry.

"I'm sorry about what happened," Narcissa muttered. She picked up the open bottle of wine, pouring herself a glass.

"It's alright," Nora said, nonchalant about the whole situation. "I'm used to it."

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