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"We were

Just friends

That spoke like lovers

And that seemed to be enough for

Two teenagers who were scared to love

One another."

-K. A. T.


The scarlet steam engine train sat in Hogsmeade, anxiously waiting for the students to board. Its loud whistle announced its departure, last minute students boarding the train.

Out of breath from running, Eleonora dragged her trunk through the aisle. She stopped at the door of the cabin Pepper and Finch sat, laughing. Their faces dropped when they saw Eleonora, the cabin going quiet.

The deafening silence reverberated around Eleonora's head. She wasn't stupid. If they wanted her there, they would have smiled and said 'hello'. And they certainly wouldn't have had her sleep past her alarm.

She flashed them a quick smile, a piece of her breaking. She bit back tears as she moved to the very back of the train. Hardly any cars were empty, but she managed to find a small, secluded cabin in the back of the train.

Stowing her luggage below the seat, she slumped down, her head resting against the cold window. As her breath fogged the glass, she let the tears held back finally fall, looking out at the snowy landscape. She wiped tears from her eyes, more pouring uncontrollably. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she sat there, curled up on the tattered seat, letting a light doze consume her.

When she comes to her senses, she's awoken by a knock. She seldom had time to reply when the culprit let themselves in, closing the door and locking it swiftly.

"Your friends said you were in a different cabin."

Narcissa's soft voice urged Nora to open her eyes, wiping the dried tears quickly. "Erm...yeah. Didn't really have a choice, though." She chuckled humorlessly, setting her feet down on the floor.

Narcissa took a seat across from her, sighing. "I'm sorry."

Eleonora, tears brimming again, avoided Narcissa's gaze and looked out the window. "It wasn't supposed to be like this," she muttered. "My friends hate me. It-"

"It's my fault," Narcissa said. "I was the one who told you to do this. I didn't think of the consequences for you, I only thought of the consequences for me."

"No," Eleonora breathed. "No, it's not your fault. You couldn't have known this was going to happen. That two-two of my closest friends would hate me. I should've thought it through too. I just-" Her breathing sped up, the tears once brimming now falling onto her hot cheeks.

Narcissa looked at her-not with pity, no, but a genuine empathy. Something she so rarely felt with the conditioning of her parents. She stood from the seat, taking a careful step toward Nora and sitting down beside her. Reluctantly, her arm came around Nora's shoulder, pulling her head close. As her hand carefully brushed through her thick hair, Narcissa's other arm came around her. They stayed like that for some time, Narcissa holding her flush against her, trying her best to calm Nora.

Eventually Nora's sobs turned to sniffles and she pulled away, wiping her nose on her bare arm. She took a steadying breath, trying to get herself together.

"Are you still in your pajamas?" Narcissa asked. "Merlin, you must be freezing."

"I mean, I'm okay," Eleonora responded, only now realizing how foolish she must look.

"No, really," she insisted. "Here, I have a long sleeve fleece on under this." Her arms went over her head as she pulled her knit sweater over her head.

Nora took it in her hands, feeling over the soft material. She smiled to herself, looking up at Narcissa. "No matter how many times I say 'no', you'll still insist I keep it, won't you?"

"Put it on," Narcissa said, her voice stern. "I don't want you getting cold."

Eleonora pulled it over her head, a chill running through her at the feel of the material on her arms. "Thank you," she smiled softly.

Narcissa gave her a curt nod in response, getting to her feet. "Oh! I forgot!" She dug through her bag, taking a small pouch and handing it to Nora. "I got these from Honeydukes and didn't really care for them. But I know they're your favorite-Fizzing Whizzbees-so-"

Eleonora took the pouch from her, the soft smile she had only growing bigger. "Thank you, Cissa."

Another curt nod. "Yeah...Anyway, I guess I should be going back to my cabin." She turned away, unlocking the door and stepping out. She turned around abruptly, a cheeky grin on her face. "I guess I'll see you...next year-"

"That's a terrible joke!" Nora laughed. "Happy Christmas, Cissa. I'll see you in a few weeks."

Narcissa smiled, the sound of Nora's happiness music to her ears. "Happy Christmas, Nora." As she walked down down the aisle of the Slytherin car, she turned into her cabin, also void of any friends she once had. As she sat down, she picked up her book and continued where she left off, ignoring the nagging itch on the side of her hand that was the first tiny blister forming.

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