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!!!TW Brief scene of physical abuse at the very end!!!


Narcissa made her way up the grand staircase. Slinking into her bedroom, she took a seat at the vanity, a smile slowly forming as she stared off into space. None of it felt real. Her hand moved up to the side of her neck, fingers tracing the love bites that remained from the previous days. As she came from her thoughts, one of her hands reached forward, turning the key in a similar music box to Nora's-only this one wasn't so blatant.

While still playing the same melody, Narcissa's music box was just that-a silver box as opposed to the hand-carved wood base Nora's stood on. On the outside it seemed to be a plain and simple gilded jewelry box, looking as if it would hold the finest diamonds and gold on the market. However, if one were to open the top and turn the key three times, just as Eleonora's had been, two figurines rose and floated in thin air, snow falling around them as they danced to the melody.

As she carefully watched the miniature versions of herself and Nora, the smile grew bigger and she rested her chin on the surface of the vanity, her forearms resting underneath her chin as she gazed at the long ago memory.


There was a sinking feeling in the pit of Nora's stomach as she shoved her hands in the pocket of the borrowed coat. She had apparated into an alleyway by her house, and now, avoiding rough patches of ice, was hurrying home on foot. Her nose was red from the cold, breath coming out in white puffs. Thoughts raced in her head, having no idea what her parents would say.

She climbed up the steps to her porch, reaching for the doorknob but stopping. Nora took a deep breath, preparing herself as she opened the door, trying her best to be quiet. However, whether she was quiet as a mouse, or as loud as a lion, it wouldn't make a difference.

Her mother came running to the foyer, her arms out wide as she pulled Nora into a bone-crushing hug. After a few seconds, she finally let her go, her demeanor changing. "As happy and relieved as I am that you're back, what the hell has gotten into you?" Her hands rested on her hips as Nora rolled her eyes, listening to her mother continue. "You tell the family you were going upstairs to get Narcissa's things so you could take her home, and you disappear for two days? No note! Not a single word!" She turned back around, going back to the kitchen, her arms waving in the air dramatically as Nora followed her. "I'd usually hate getting owls, they're so messy, but if it meant I knew you were safe, then let the bird shit rain!"

Nora sat down on a rickety stool at the kitchen island, her face in her hands. "I'm sorry, Mum, really. But I-"

"Christ," her mother sighed, taking a dish out of the oven. "Even your Aunt Katherine was concerned and she cried the second she found out you were a lesbian-and not in the good way."

"I know, I was there. Where's dad?" Nora asked, trying to steer the topic away.

"Out looking for you!" she scolded. "Can't even get a hold of him! He's been searching all over London for you...Even had to cover up how you and Narcissa left because your father's and your cousin's cars were the only ones in the drive, and God knows you don't know how to drive!"

"Because I don't need to learn how to drive!" Nora groaned. "Why learn how to drive when I'm able to apparate?"

"I'm just saying," her mother snapped back, gaze as sharp as the knife she was using to dice garlic. "Almost had to tell them all you were a witch."

"I still don't know why we have to keep who I am a secret?" Nora groaned. "Aside from Katherine, I'm sure they'd all be fine. Sure it'd take some getting used to, but they'd come around. I can't keep telling them my job is some top-secret thing when it's really not! And Katherine kept commenting on Narcissa's hair and clothing having no clue it's-"

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