𝑭𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒚-𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (!!!)

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!!!Light smut!!!

"He what?!"

Narcissa's shouting could be heard from every room in the house.

"I know you two don't see eye-to-eye anymore," she said, "but firing you? You're one of the best aurors they've had since Moody!"

"Narcissa, darling–"

"No!" she snapped. "I'm marching down there right now!"

Nora sighed, "Narcissa, it's fine."

"I don't know how you're so calm about this!" she ranted, chopping up celery harshly. "You're being fired for completely asinine reasons!"

Nora, who sat with the rest of the Order at the table, stood up and walked over to her. She carefully removed the knife from Narcissa's hand and set it down gently, "I will talk to Dumbledore about this. I'm sure I'll be able to work out some form of income for us."

"And if you can't you can always freeload off of me!" Sirius calls from the end of the long table.

Eleonora turns her head in his direction, "You're not helping, Sirius, but thank you for the input." She sighed and focused on Narcissa again, taking her face in her hands. "Cissa, listen to me when I say, I will be okay. We will be okay. This is just a setback."

"Every time I see you, you become more and more optimistic," Narcissa murmurs.

Nora smiled, "And it's all because of you, my love."

She leaned in and pressed a small kiss to Narcissa's hairline. And, through the rest of the Order's lively dinner chatter, they could both make out the gagging sounds that Sirius made in their direction.


In the warm light of their bedroom, Narcissa leaned down and wrapped her arms around Nora's shoulders. "What are you writing?" she asked before kissing her lightly in her neck.

"A letter to Albus," Nora responded, leaning into her embrace through the chair.

Narcissa hummed, "You're handling this a lot better than I am."

"Well, I was kind of expecting it," Nora said, dipping her quill into the inkwell. "If it didn't happen sooner, it would've happened later."

"I guess you're right," Narcissa sighed. More kisses were placed on her neck but these ones were more intentional. "When will you be done writing this letter because I'd like to go to bed, but not without you..."

Eleonora snickered, "I'll be done shortly, I promise."

"That's not soon enough," Narcissa murmured, her kisses becoming harsher by the moment. "Perhaps I'll just have to start without you."

Nora scoffed, "You've always been so impatient, my darling. I'm sure you could wait just a few more minutes."

Narcissa stood to her full height and sighed, almost sounding like she was sad, but there was a sinister grin on her lips. "It's too bad you're so focused on that letter..."

She stood behind Nora, each of her actions meticulous and intentful.

"Otherwise, you'd be able to see me removing my shirt..." The light sound of fabric could be heard hitting the floor. "And now...I'm removing my pants...And finally, my panties..." She took her underwear, hooking it over her fingers and pulled them down slowly. She could see Nora tensing, and to tease her even further, Narcissa tossed the underwear over Nora's shoulder and into her lap.

Now, she crept towards the bed, climbing on top of the duvet and propping herself up against some pillows. "And if you'd turn around, you'd see my hands running up my thighs...and up my torso...now they're caressing and touching my breasts...and I'm imagining they're your hands..."

Her breathing grew heavier, "Now, one of my hands is going back down...and now..." A soft gasp slipped from her lips. "Now...I'm touching myself...I'm imagining it's you touching me instead...Fuck..."

She opened her eyes and saw Nora rushing through the rest of the letter. Grinning, she let out a breathless chuckle, "You better hurry, darling...You don't want me finishing without you..."

"Done!" Eleonora almost sent the desk chair flying backwards with how quickly she stood up. She folded the letter and tied it with twine before opening the terrace door and tossing it haphazardly onto the stone floor.

She finally turned around to take a look at Narcissa, who, yes, was naked, laying in the centre of the king sized bed, but her hands weren't anywhere near her lower half, and she certainly wasn't touching herself.

Narcissa looked at Eleonora, her hands underneath her head as she relaxed. "Yes, darling?"

Nora tried to suppress a grin, but she couldn't. As she undressed quickly, throwing her clothes in every direction, she climbed into bed and kissed Narcissa "You're such a fucking tease."

Narcissa giggled, throwing her arms over Nora's shoulders, "I have no idea what you're talking about."


In the soft morning light, Nora's eyes opened slowly. Narcissa was sound asleep beside her, her bare back exposed to her as she snored softly.

Her attention was pulled to the window that looked out onto the terrace. A scroll of paper was outside on the ledge and she reluctantly got out of bed to pull on a robe.

Nora opened the doors to the terrace and retrieved the letter, unravelling it quickly.

Miss Murphy,

Quite frankly, it doesn't shock me that Minister Fudge has terminated you from your position. He's sending a ministry official to take the Defense Against the Dark Arts position that you held last school year.

Unfortunately, there is no vacancy in our staff, however I'd be happy to create a vacancy for you.

As of now, you're the professor of Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts, a secondary course that sixth and seventh years are eligible to take alongside their NEWT course of DADA.

Your experience as an auror will be useful for this advanced course, and if provoked, I'd be happy to keep you on as a permanent member of the Hogwarts staff.

Albus P. W. B. Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

A soft groan sounded across the room and Narcissa turned over. After feeling an empty space beside her, she opened her eyes, squinting against the sun.

"There you are," she grumbled. "What's that?"

"A letter," Nora replied. "From Dumbledore."

"What does it say?"

Nora sighed, folding the letter up and tossing it on the desk, "That if desired, I am now a permanent professor at Hogwarts."

With Love, || N.B.Where stories live. Discover now