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"I need your help, please," Narcissa begged.

"Let me repeat myself again. Why should I help you?" The glare Eleonora gave her was a look that could turn a six-feet-tall man into stone. "All you've done is taunt me, and harass me, and back me into a corner with no way out. How in the ever living hell are you deserving of my help?"

Narcissa gave no response, absorbing every last word Eleonora fired at her. She took a moment to think. "Well--you--you do have a point. I have done those things and I can understand why you hold a grudge." The pair stood on opposite sides of the astronomy tower, the tension so thick it could be cut with a pair of scissors. "But, please, I'm begging you. I will do anything."

Eleonora stared at her, unmoving. She took a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine. What will you do for me?"

Narcissa hesitated. "I haven't figured that out yet--but I owe you a favor now, so do with that what you will."

Eleonora crossed the room, looking over the balcony. "Alright...I'll help you--despite the fact you don't deserve it, I believe everyone should have a second chance."

"Thank you so much," Narcissa breathed, a sigh of relief.

Eleonora said nothing as she continued. "What do you need help with?"

"Well," Narcissa began, "it's a bit complicated--oh Merlin, this is gonna be so awkward...Alright, I need you...to go...to the..Yule Ball with me." Her hands fiddled in front of her, the pad of her thumb rubbing the bed of her nail.

"You--what?" Eleonora's mouth fell agape at Narcissa's words. "Christ, Narcissa, I thought you needed me to tutor you or lend you some Galleons! Not this!"

"Okay, one," Narcissa scoffed, "do you even know who I am? The day I take a loan out is the day my family disowns me. And two, you already said you'd help me so you can't back out now!"

Eleonora sighed, defeated. "Alright, fine, you're right. Why--why do you need to take me to the ball? I mean, I thought Lucius would be taking you--"

"Lucius is the reason I need to take you," Narcissa interrupted.

Eleonora leaned on the railing, unconvinced this was a good idea. "So why--"

"Lucius asked Holly McNeal to the Yule Ball instead of me," Narcissa answered, her words jumbling together as she frantically spoke. "I want to make him jealous so he'll ditch Holly and take me instead."

"I--how--Narcissa how the fuck am I supposed to respond to that?" Eleonora dropped her head into her hands, pressing her palms into her eyes. "You want to use me to get back at someone who isn't even technically dating you?" She looked up to see a sheepish nod from Narcissa. "Well, do you plan on running for court? If we walk in there together people will immediately jump to conclusions."

"That's the point actually," Narcissa murmured.

"You want people to think we're together?" Eleonora lifted her head, each word like a blow to the gut. "How would your parents react?"

"They wouldn't have to know."

"Would Lucius tell them you're with a--a muggleborn?" Eleonora asked, her voice rising. "If your plan works, Narcissa, and he becomes jealous you're with someone who he thinks you believe is better than him, that jealousy can quickly turn into anger." She took a steadying breath, her voice softening. "Narcissa, I know the rumors that surround your family. I've heard of the things they do to people like me. If they even suspect you're willingly trying to spend time with me, they could torture me--and who knows what they'll do to you."

Narcissa stood there, speechless. She hadn't taken into consideration what would happen to the both of them if they were caught. The last thing the Black family needed was another child disowned. But still, no one aside from her sister had ever taken her own interest into consideration. And that's what pushed Narcissa to move forward. "I know the risks. I've thought them all through."

"Have you?"

"Yes," Narcissa insisted. "Please, you've already agreed to this. Just until Lucius wants me back."

Eleonora studied her for a moment, taking everything into consideration. She had already agreed to helping Narcissa in the first place, she'd be the one in wrong this time if she backed out. She breathed in, sighing. "Fine."

"Yes!" Narcissa squealed. "Thank--"

Eleonora held up her index finger. "--on one condition, though."

Narcissa's face fell. "And that is--?"

"We make a list of rules."

Eleonora took her wand from her pocket. Ten-and-a-half inches long, with sycamore wood encasing the hair of a unicorn, she waved the wand through the air. A piece of parchment, an inkwell and quill were conjured in the chilly night. The two took a seat on the cold stone floor, Eleonora taking the quill from the air and dipping it in the inwell. Bending down to write on the page, she looked up at Narcissa through long lashes. "Rule one: no falling in love."

"Oh please," Narcissa scoffed. "Like I could ever-"

"--I'm just saying," Eleonora snapped. "Anything could happen right now. I just want to take precautions." Eleonora looked back down, scribbling on the paper. "Rule two: you can't be mean to me. And more importantly, you can't hold my blood-status against me."

"That's fair enough," Narcissa murmured.

"Rule three," Eleonora continued. "We don't have to do anything we don't want to do. If we're out in public-Hogsmeade, in the halls, whatever-we don't have to hold hands, or kiss, or-anything like that."

"Fine by me," Narcissa sighed. "Wouldn't dream of kissing you anyway."

"That's the only place it would happen," Eleonora said. "It'd be a nightmare for me, though."

"Can we please get on with the rules?" Narcissa narrowed her eyes, glaring at Eleonora.

"Rule four," Eleonora sighed, already annoyed with her. "We can't tell anyone about this plan."

"Alright," Narcissa agreed. "Sounds good."

Eleonora sat up, scanning over the parchment before handing it over to Narcissa.


1. No falling in love-this rule hereby states that the signers of this contract are to develop no feelings for the other.

2. All previous harassment and bullying is to stop-this rule hereby states that the signers of this contract are to stop any previous harassment including, but not limited to, holding blood status against their persons.

3. No person is obligated to do something they do not wish to do-this rule hereby states that the signers of this contract are not obligated to give or receive physical affection and/or contact in public and/or private matters.

4. No discussing this contract with outsiders-this rule hereby states that the signers of this contract are obligated to keep this binding document a secret. No outsider is to know of this.

"Alright," Narcissa murmured. "Hand me the quill." Eleonora did as she was told, handing the quill to Narcissa. Hesitating, Narcissa took it, putting it to the page. A soft glow of gold presented itself as Narcissa signed her full name. As soon as the 'K' in 'Black' was finished, the paper flew into the air, rolling itself up, and disappearing.

This binding contract is signed by

x Eleonora Reed Murphy

x Narcissa Carinae Black

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