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⚠️Just putting a TW here for blood and violence⚠️

December 24, 1972

Light flurries of snow fell from the sky as Eleonora propped her window open. She looked behind her, listening to make sure her parents were still in bed. She dropped her bag out of the window and climbed down the trellis nailed to the side of her house. Bundled up in a jacket, mittens, and hat, she picked up her bag, running to the shed. She pulled her broom out, quickly mounting it and flying off into the night.

Black Manor was not hard to spot-at all. Located on the rolling hills of the countryside in Oxfordshire, the manor of House Black stood tall. Its large windows gave light to people walking around, a clear view of Narcissa stowing a book on her shelf making butterflies fly through Nora's heart.

She landed on the edge of the outside window ledge, knocking quietly on the window. Narcissa looked over her shoulder, drawing her wand from her robe and proceeding to the window with caution. Her hand dropped and she relaxed when she saw the familiar smile of Nora on the other side. She opened the window, the frigid night air cold on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Narcissa muttered, a wave of past events coming to surface.

"Are your parents home?" Eleonora asked, keeping her voice down.

"No," Narcissa responded. "They're at some Christmas Party. So is my sister. But the house is riddled with elves so make it quick. I don't want you getting caught here."

"Good," Nora smiled. "Come on!"


"I'm breaking you out," she said simply. "You need to have fun. And it's Christmas Eve. You shouldn't be alone."

Narcissa looked back inside, making sure the door was closed and no house elf would see her. "Fine," she huffed, a smile gracing her lips. "Let me get some warm clothes, though."

She rushed to her closet, getting a jacket and deciding last minute on a pair of gloves. She secured her knit hat with a hair pin and moved to the window. "Okay," she sighed, "I'm ready."

Eleonora held out her hand, Narcissa taking it and mounting the broom behind her.

"Hold onto my waist," Nora called back.


"Do you want to fall off?" Nora asked. "Hold onto my waist or I'll have a lot of explaining to do to your parents and mine."

Narcissa shook her head in amusement and held onto Nora's waist. Flying had never been her favorite thing in the world, and when they took off, her grip grew tighter.

As they flew over the grasslands of Oxfordshire, the wind whipped at their cheeks, a thrilled smile finally making its way to Narcissa when the feeling of freedom took over. The bright lights of a distant village were on the horizon and they flew further.

"Where are we going?" Narcissa asked over the wind.

"Wallingford!" Nora shouted.

The quaint town of Wallingford grew before them as they made their descent into a secluded alleyway. They peeked around the corner of a building, Nora propping the broom against the brick walls.

Nonchalantly, they walked out from the alley and onto the sidewalk. Flurries of snow fell, melting in their hair and slickening the pavement. "You should probably...hold onto my arm..." Narcissa hesitated. "You know...just so you won't fall..."

"Right..." Nora said. "...So I won't fall. Thank you, Narcissa, how kind."

"Mhm..." Narcissa murmured, looping her arm through Nora's.

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