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When she composed herself, Nora looked down at the counter. She recognized what sat there almost instantly. The small box wrapped in festive paper had once homed in Narcissa's hand. But now, it was in front of her, silver and gold ribbons charmed to swirl around the paper. Looking closer, she realized there was delicate, slanted writing on a notecard.


Open on Christmas, preferably alone (and no there's nothing bad). Try not to lose this one. Happy Christmas.

With love,

N. B.

Nora's brows scrunched in confusion. Her thumb ran over the dried golden ink of the letters N. B., smiling to herself. 'Still the same girl.'

Nora took the box, going to the back and slipping it into her pocket.

"What's that?"

Her mother's voice startled her. "Oh, nothing!" she said, clutching her chest. "Just a...small gift from Narcissa. Nothing much."

"Oh, right." Her mother wiped her floured hands on her pristine apron, clearly distracted. "Well your father called. He said to lock up the shop. He's got the ingredients we needed so we'll let the cookies sit overnight. Grab your trunks and bring them out front, Dad'll be here soon."

The car ride home was all too familiar. A sense of deja vu washed over Nora, her hands fidgeting with the box. She felt 17 again, but this time she wouldn't lose the precious gift Narcissa had entrusted with her.

Hauling her luggage up the drive, Nora entered her childhood home, almost nothing changed. She flicked on the lights of her bedroom and her heart fluttered at the sight of the pink ballerina decals on her white walls. It still looked the same. It still smelled the same. The bedding was the same from 21 years ago. However, the shelves were a bit dusty. But still, her favorite pictures sat on her bookshelves, most of the friends in them having been lost to time or killed in the first war against Voldemort. She took a frame off the shelf, smiling sadly. Her thumb brushed over the moving picture of her and Pepper smiling and waving at the camera.

She set her stuff down, placing the present under a small, white Christmas tree that sat on the desk beside her bed. Nora took a reluctant seat down onto her bed, feeling her quilt under the tips of her fingers and the flats of her palms. She laid back, resting her eyes with her hands loosely folded on her stomach. It would be hell having to wait to open that present.

'She probably boobytrapped it,' Nora thought, giggling to herself. 'Probably set it so if I do open it early it'll...shoot...black ink at me or...I dunno...punch me in the eye or something...'

She sat up, walking to her trunk to retrieve a pair of pajamas. She stopped abruptly after picking out a pair of fleece pants. Behind her was her closet, and she turned to open the doors. Tucked safely away in a box of sentimental items was a very familiar knitted sweater. A smile graced her features as she carefully took it out from under the old camera. Bringing it to her nose, Eleonora inhaled deeply. A wave of nostalgia, happiness, and butterflies in her chest erupted all at once throughout her. Tears briefly flooded her eyes as she took in the scent of Narcissa.

After pulling the soft fleece pajama pants on, she threw the sweater on and wrapped her arms around her torso. She sighed contentedly, a soft smile on her lips. Eleonora paused for a moment, her gaze shifting to the box of sentimentals once again. She reached down and pulled her old camera out. She turned it in her hands, realizing the pictures had never been developed since her Seventh year at Hogwarts. An idea came to her as she turned her head to look at the present Narcissa gave her.

Bounding down the stairs, she stopped in front of the door, pulling on her coat and stuffing the old disposable camera in her pocket.

"Where are you heading to, ladybug?" her father asked abruptly, walking into the foyer as he dried his hands on a towel.

Nora rolled her eyes playfully as she pulled on her first boot. "Christ, I haven't heard that nickname in forever..." She struggled to pull on her second boot, finally slipping it over her heel as she continued talking. "Erm...I'm just gonna run to the general store real quick. It doesn't close until eleven."

She opened the door and tried to hurry out before her father stopped her.

"What for?"

She paused, huffing. "Erm...doesn't matter...to you." And before he could stop her again, Nora rushed out and slammed the door behind her.

Careful to slip down the icy steps, she started walking down the sidewalk, the only light guiding her being the streetlamps. She didn't dare risk using her wand lest some muggle come across her path and witness her using magic. Perhaps she could aparate, but this short walk left her alone with her thoughts.

Her thoughts...beautiful thoughts...of swaying hips...of red lips brushing the shell of her ear...of perfectly manicured hands raking down the inside of her thigh...and suddenly she came back to the real world, breath coming out in cold, white puffs as she stood in front of the small convenience store.

Nora walked in, feeling the warm air washing over her like a blanket. She made a Beeline for the cashier, taking out the camera from her pocket. "Excuse me," she said, noticing the cashier was busy stocking behind the counter. She pulled out the camera as the cashier stood up. "I know this is probably silly..." Nora scoffed. "It's from...1972 I think, but I just found it in my closet and...what I mean is, I was wondering if you were able to develop the film for me?"

The cashier took the camera from Nora and inspected it. She raised a brow at her. "1972? We can try. It'll take a day or two if we can." She took a piece of paper and a pen and slid them to Nora. "Is there a name and phone number we can call?"

"Yes," Nora responded, writing her name and phone number down. "Thank you."

The young girl smiled and taped the paper to the camera.

Nora turned around, meeting a display of Silk Cuts. Acting on every impulse she had, she grabbed a box and a lighter from a display bin and tossed them onto the till. She pulled out a couple pounds and gave it to the cashier, telling her to keep the change.

Going outside, Nora took a seat on the curb and opened the pack of cigarettes. Taking one out, she slipped it in her mouth and lit it, hoping to God that Narcissa would have a moment alone between Christmas and New Years.

With Love, || N.B.Where stories live. Discover now