Off-site shenanigans: .50 bmg VS. a house wall.

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"Commander, there's a rather urgent call from Miss Helian coming in."

"Put her on the line please Springfield, and have the echelons on standby. Along with our pilots"


Springfield presses a button on the panel before exiting the room.

"Commander Krieger."

"Miss Helian."

"We have a special task for you."

"What is the assignment?"

"A major member of sector 09's town committee is currently a hostage of her husband in their house and we've been requested by local law enforcement to be ones to get her out."

"Hostage rescue is something we've done but isn't this for the SWAT teams?"

"She's the reason we're still paying minimal taxes for our stationing there and why there's minimal opposition against our presence."

".... When do we lift off?"

"As soon as you can, it's been a half-hour since the situation started, local police have begun negotiations."

"I'll be in touch then."

"I'll be awaiting a positive news story."

The call ends as Krieger sits up and presses a button on his console.

"Yes, Commander?"

"Assemble your team, Sat-8's, M4's, and bring riot gear."

"Is there anything else?"

"Tell them to double-time it to the helipads, I'll be waiting."


"Thank you."

Krieger ends the call as he walks to his footlocker and grabs a duffel bag and a gun case before heading down the halls to the pad.

"Alexei, get your bird running, we're heading back to sector 09."

"Are we getting off this frozen dump now?"

"Temporarily, I'll pay for lodging, grab two other pilots and get their birds warmed up."

"Yes sir."

By the time the echelons arrive all three heli's are kicking up a blizzard as Krieger ushers them onto each one before boarding Springfields, he sits down and puts on the headset tuning it to all channels before beginning his breakdown of the mission.

"Sector 09, residential housing, two story's minimal protecting, hostage and hostage-taker, eliminate the hostile if you can but we'll cripple him if we can, that jobs yours rifle team, if we can cripple him, Sat-8 prep for breach and subduing."

"What's the lethal status?"

"Rubber bullets for all, only live rounds for our rifles."

"Method of entry and points?"

"Front door and back door, windows if necessary."

A chorus of confirmations come in through his headphones as he finishes sending the house layouts to each teams leaders so they could discuss, a hour later of flight and they touch down at the nearby civvie airport, where an awaiting convoy truck is idling as the Commander gets in next the driver and they are sped off, led by a single police motorcycle.

"Everyone knows their mission and tasks right?"



(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now