Too late.

436 10 1

His footsteps echoing through the bullet and particle weapon ridden hallway, Krieger reached the main war room of the sangvis outpost, they had just cleared out destroyer from the area, echelons 1 and 3 were clearing out the rest of the outpost, while echelon 8, 7, and 2 were clearing the area around.

"Any injuries so far?"

"Just minor scrapes and scratches, and Sten needs to repair some cut skin thats all Commander."

"Good to hear, is the repair team enroute?"

"Yes ETA in 12 minutes."

Krieger kicks a jaegers arm out of the way as he moves up to the database, pulling out a thumbdrive and jerry rigged USB from RO, saying that it would eliminate any chance of bringing the parapluie virus. He inserts the two things in before beginnning the data transfer.


"Yes M4?"

"Did I do well on this mission? I can fix any mistakes."

"M4 you did fantastic, you have done well on all the assignments I have ever given you, listen you don't need to self doubt yourself, if you do it will only bring you down, just follow what you believe is right."

"I'll go check on my team now, thank you commander."

"Of course anything for you, becareful."

The commander pulls out two drives before examining the data from the interface, something about "planted charges" and troop movements due to sector 11, and 9, this should be interesting to Ms. Helian, Krieger thought but continued reading a previous communication between Destroyer and who seemed to be Dreamer based on the dialogue:

"Did you do it?"

"Of course explosives are my specialty"

"How close is that Griffin scum?"

"A mile out, closing distance, evacuate me already! The rearguard are almost decimated"

"Why should I we can just make another you?"

"YOU! I'm gonna-

"Relax I'm coming can't you take a joke every now and then?"

"Fine, the explosives are set to activate one hour after we leave it should bury the commander if he's at the room, and we will be rid of that thorn in our side."

Krieger reached for his earpiece to tell the echelons to clear the building


*Slaps hood of car*

"this lazy fuck finally wrote another one"

Oh boy another two parter, and uh sorry but now on I sorta need sundays off, so expect stories 6/7 days a week.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now