Arctic warfare

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(No not based off in game story mode.)

"Commander we have a new assignment from Ms. Helian."

"Thank you darling, here hand it over."

A quick glance at her Commander, M4 could tell he was frustrated.

"What is it commander? Is something wrong?"

"It seems have a rather important rescue mission on our hands, we have received a distress signal from deep within Sangvis territory, they are carrying some very important information and yeah get in, get them out, job done."

"That doesn't sound that bad Commander."

"But there is reports of a sangvis ringleader in the area, *sigh* just assemble echelon 1, 2, and 4 issue the standard winter gear, hand them the map route, I need to go prepare."

*several hours later*

The Commander stands outside of the helipad as his girls file in, adjusting his watch one more time, Krieger steps on, with a thumbs up they are lifting off, the base a now grayish black speck in the snow white landscape.

Ok this another teaser/ setting setup, I apologize for the sparse updates, been busy recently.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now