Its just a mug of Coffee. On-site shenanigans.

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*knock knock*

The Commander looks up from his monitor as he turns it off and calls out.

"Please come in."

"Its us Commander, P7 and Pa-15."

"Please don't tell me you two have done something again, or I'll sentence you both to grenadier assistances immediately."

"We didn't! Honest! We just thought we would bring you some coffee from Miss Springfield."

"And you two are both suddenly goody two shoes now? I'll believe that when Sangvis Ferri surrenders."

"But we didn't do anything, could you please just take it? Think about how upset Miss Springfield would be if we brought it back to her and told her you didn't want it."

By now they were tugging on Kriegers heartstrings, he knew how upset Springfield would be if the two pranksters told her that he refused it, and he would feel worse if it was just a normal mug of the stuff, but he still couldn't trust them after they stole his towel and uniform while he was showering.

"Fine." He sighs as he says the word. "Leave it on the desk and I'll drink it."

"Thank you, Commander! We'll tell Miss Springfield how you loved it!"

The two handguns place the mug on the desk before quickly running out of the office without letting Krieger get a word out before the door slides closed again. He resumes his work as he absentmindedly tips the mug to his mouth and downs over half within the hour, maybe they were only meaning to be nice, Krieger thinks to himself, he doesn't taste anything odd in his drink except for a bit more sugar than usual, but he only passes it off as Springfield doting on him and begins to worry about how he'll ever keep his blood pressure down, when there's another series of knocks on the door, seemingly more urgent than the last as he turns off his monitor once more and calls out.

"Please come in."

"Ah Commander, there you are, I was starting to worry."

"Is something the matter Springfield? Did WA mess up the kitchen again?"

"No its something else.."

The cafes owner glances down at her shoes as she fiddles with her fingers.

"Well Miss P7 and PA-15 came by earlier and asked if I could brew them a mug of coffee to bring to you-

"They're getting grenadier asasistance duty for the week."

"After I brewed them your mug and placed it down, I returned to the back to prepare a meal for Miss Enfield when I came back and Lee pointed out that the two had poured a green box of powder into your mug and had thrown the box into the trash."

"Please go on, and after your done, round up the two and bring them to my office."

"Of course Commander, I fished the box out and it seems they poured a laxative mixed with sugar into your mug, my apologies Commander, I should have just accompanied them here, you haven't had much have you?"

"Well does half the mug sound like a lot? I should have just turned them away."

"I'll go grab the two, is there anything I could do for you, Commander?"

"No, thank you, Springfield, please have them assigned to this week's Grenadier duty, range cleanup, and toilet duty. Thank you for letting me know, if you or anyone else needs me please let me know through my earpiece, I'll be in the bathroom."

Krieger gets up grabbing the mug and handing it to Springfield before patting her on the head to soothe the worried doll out as he makes his way to the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

For the rest of the week, P7 and PA-15 could be found from morning to night in either the range, explosives corridor, or the 3 bathrooms of the base, either cleaning up stains, picking up shell casings, or resetting targets for 416, Zas, Stg, and other dolls, while The Commander, having lost 2 pounds from the coffee, only ate in his office with his meals delivered by an apologetic and worried Springfield.

Well there's something to distract you all from the boredom that was the past few neural upgrade stories, partly inspired by the time my dorm mate threw two spoonfuls of laxatives into my coffee. I'll try to be back next month with another story, but work will probably not allow it, apologies for the rather short one though.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now