On-site shenanigans: Lightning

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"Huh Thunder? tonight?"

"Yes commander 40% chance of rain, and Thunder storms."

"Well tell M14 and SV-98 to take a break, they can switch out with Enfield and 9A-A1 later tonight, not gonna be much staying out in this bad weather."

"Alright sir."

After dinner the rainstorm begins, pounding outside, the wind roaring through the base, the commander sits in his office working on the next days logistic operations, M4 waiting with him.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in G-41"

"Waaaaa! Commander! It's so scary outside!"

A wet blanket covered G41 flys through the door, over the desk and straight onto the commander tackling him out of his chair.

"oooooh that don't feel right."

"Commander are you  all right" M4 asks leaning over the commander, G41 snuggled up against him.

"It feels like a football went straight for my stomach, G41 please get off me, I can barely breathe."

"Sorry commander it's just it's so loud and scary outside, can I sleep here? Pleeeaaasseee?"

"Fine you can go on my bed right now."

"Thank you commander!"

"Well then I guess I'm going on the couch now, and could you grab me a cup of coffee M4?"

"Yes commander."

"Thank goodness you're here with me M4."

*3 minutes later*

*Knock Knock*

"Come in M4, oh it's you AN-94 can I help you with anything?"

"C-Commander c-can I-I sleep here? It's cold and d-dark at the dorm."

"It's okay 94 you can sleep here, G41's here too."

"Co-Could you give m-me a hug?"

"Of course, where's AK-12? Shouldn't your sister be here?"

"Sh-She's out on a scouting mission commander."

"I'm feeling real stupid right about now, I sent her and echelon 7 out right before this weather, but she should be back soon, don't you worry 94."

The commander moves forward letting AN-94 wrap her arms around him for a bit, before carrying her to the bed, tucking her in before giving her a peck on the forehead, before returning to his paperwork, M4 finally returning.

"Thank you M4 it's getting late, maybe I should turn in after a bit too, why don't you get some rest too, I will join you in a bit."

"Thank you commander, please let me know if you need anything."

An hour later the commanders just finished his paperwork, when a wet, dripping with rainwater, AK-12 walks in, depositing the report, and proceeding to stand there waiting.

"Thank you 12, you are relieved of duty for the night, oh and your sisters here if you would like to take her back, y'know she takes a real shine to you?"

AK-12 scribbles a thank you on a notepad on the desk, before turning and leaving.

"well I better tuck-in for the night then"

The commander places the logistics forms in the usual tray, heading over to the couch and tucking himself in with M4.

"Goodnight darling."

There another one, I know there are people who just lurk and read my stories, and I appreciate you guys sticking around so long, feel free to suggest an idea, or plot, anyways enjoy.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now