Operation Uranus.

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"All due respect but you must understand the irony of our operation Ms. Helian.."

H: "I more than know what you're referring to Commander Krieger but you'll have your own ability to determine when it's time to escape the sinking ship."

"Will the Carpathia be waiting to rescue the boats?"

H: "It will be."

"Then so be it, if we succeed then it will be all good. Failure, and we shall leave them to sit in their own doings."

H: "Be careful then Commander Krieger, allies will do anything once the tide turns."

"Am I allowed to break off ties in the field?"

H: "This temporary pact was never put into officiated papers."

"Then I shall sever if necessary."

H: "Dead men can make dangerous political enemies Commander."

"I'm a Soldier, not a Politician."

H: "Very Well."

Several hours later several convoys of Ural and Gaz trucks begin trundling their way through the cold deep night, several of these housing Russian rebels, the others, Griffin troops. The convoy is on a hastily drawn-up operation in an attempt to seize a large Federation warehouse and fortress combination in an attempt to weaken defenses along the border using the captured equipment. The only problem.. An aging Tu-95 Reconnaissance aircraft has radioed in their numbers and headings, and the armored battalion stationed at the Rodyn installation has prepared a surprise.

Just a very short introduction to a severely part story I'm planning to start on in the next several months, expect betrayal.

Hope everyone has had a good new year and is staying safe from the new variants.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now