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It had been 2 days since the Sangvis attack on the reconnaissance mission

"Commander are you okay? We are almost back to base, hang in there!"

"M4 just make sure you get back alive, don't worry about me *cough* *cough* "

The mission was only meant to be a scouting move nothing else and maybe some sabotage if the opportunity presented itself, the commander decided to go along as he had the rest of the base relax for a few days after raiding a ringleaders command post a week ago, with Kalina and G36 assuring him the base would't burn down in a day, but now they had been on the run for the past 48 hours after they were detected and ambushed, during the retreat, and rearguard process the commander had jumped into the path of a particle weapons projectile, sustaining a serious wound to is right leg which by now showed signs of infection and possible amputation, the teams doctor M9 tried as she might could only slow the infection, now he had to be evaced on foot on a stretcher as the choppers were in for maintenance.

"betcha bottle of Jack Daniels he has to get a replacement leg"


" Oww! why the hurt lil sister?"

"don't make fun of the commanders situation right now! He might be replaced"

" its okay M4, Helian might just replace just because I allowed myself to be injured at all, maybe its for the best, that you girls get a commander that won't make a mistake I have, and M16 though I can't requisition a bottle of Jack I will wager 2 bottles of the cafes Ale"

" That's a deal! just don't forget it"

A few minutes later the comm piece in the commanders head buzzed to life.

" commander don't worry your almost there just a few more minutes we will have the echelon 3 awaiting you outside"

The commander immediately recognized the voice as Kalina's and tried to joke a bit

" Tell me Kalina has the base been burned down yet? As long as the infirmary and repair bays are intact I'm fine"

" commander! Now's not the time to joke, we need to get you home!"

Right after another voice joins the comm:

"That's what I keep telling him, I can't believe how hardy he is"

"Well I'am your commander M4, I'm hardy for a reason"

The AR team soon arrived at the base and headed straight for the infirmary placing the commander in the closest bed and allowed the M-dolls to takeover (medical dolls).

"Commander are you still there? We made it your safe"

"Are you still there? M4? Are we safe?"

"Yes we made it commander, wait don't go to sleep yet! we- I need you to stay awake! please don't go!"

His eyelids were heavy the commander felt cold all over his body, " just a minute" he said before closing his eyes, slowly muffling out the pleading cries of M4 as she squeezed his hand and the medics did there best.

Edit: fixed doctor to medic.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now