Cutting board gets a upgrade.

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"Commander, can I have my upgrade soon? Please? Sis is already getting hers! It's not fair!"

"Once my resources recover again, 9, you know how expensive neural frags, cores, and combat reports are since I've started paying Kalina to write them."

"Leave the Commander alone, besides he'll have to upgrade me too."

Krieger sighs as he pats the sleeping G11 on his lap as UMP-9 and HK-416 begin to argue over their neural upgrades, absentmindedly running his hand through the German rifle's hair as she dozes when the door suddenly flies open and M4 appears.

"Commander? Everything alright? I heard yelling in here."

"Yes, I'm fin-

"Miss M fouuuurrrrrr tell grumpo over here that she needs to wait her turn for her upgrade because she needs those fancy fire control components."

Realizing that he would be needing them and remembering the price tag on the things Krieger sighs heavier this time as he leans back against his chair and closes his eyes rubbing them.

"They must be driving you mad aren't they Commander?"

M4 shushes the pouting 9 before walking over placing a hand on the Commanders shoulder.

"I expected UMP-9 to be here but not the entire team," Krieger says with a weak laugh as G11 twists and turns on his lap.

"Well I suppose you got more company than expected, but you must excuse me to the range for practice I'll return once my scores have improved."

"Alright then M4, you're excused, please don't overwork yourself so much, you've done plenty enough for the day."

"Not enough I'm afraid."

Krieger sighs again as he sits up gently as not to awake G11 before patting and kissing M4's head as he waves her off, his mind, twisting with worry for the AR team's leader.

416: "A- 

9: "What's the matter you didn't know the Commanders in love with M4?"


9: "Oh quit your stammering 416, you'd think someone as professional as you would have figured it out sooner, I mean you haven't seen her ring have you?"

Krieger: "You open that mouth of yours again UMP-9 and I'll make sure to have you assigned with P7 and PA-15 until the end of the month."

416: "I-

9: "I'm just kidding with you Commander, don't get so upset."

"You have latrine duties with P7 and PA-15 for the day tomorrow."

"But I-

"What did I tell you earlier? Be glad it's not for the end of the month 9."

"Not to open that mouth of mine."

"There we go."

"hahaha, that's what you get for being such a smart mouth 9."

"S-Shut up 416."

As the two get into another argument the door to the lab dings open as the usual two technician dolls file out and 416 and 9 leap in, G11 asleep through of this is picked up by the Commander and carried in.

"Well.. how do I look?"

"Oh you look, wonderful Sis! Your new clothes are beautiful!"

"I didn't know you favored red."

45 grimaces for a second at the jab but smiles that signature smirk of hers before replying to the German AR.

"It's for a.. old friend let's say."

Krieger stands there for a second frozen by the reply as he remembers and 45 notices and freezes for a second as well before he sighs and steps closer patting 45's head.

"We're glad it went well 45, these two have been worrying over you since you stepped in, and G11 is well.." He gestures to the snoring German rifle unbothered by the movements or commotion.

"Of course, a neural upgrade is nothing to me."

"Then you're dismissed for the day, please rest up and get something to eat from the cafe, tell Miss Springfield to put it on my tab."

"Understood, Take care of yourself Commander, you only have one body."

He stops at the advice before the German SMG laughs and gives him another smirk before tugging G11 down from her spot on the Commander's shoulder and leaves with the others, 9 peppering her with questions as they go, leaving Krieger standing there.

Well, I finally wrote another one:




(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now