Moving day.

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His dream is hazy, the figures in the distance wrapped in black, stare at him. Krieger calls out to them, there's no response, they remain silent watchers.

Vrrrrrrrm Vrrrrrrm Vrrrrrrm

The vibrating phone on his drawer stirs him from his rest, he blinks a few times to clear the gunk from his eyes before sitting up and grabbing the phone, he can barely make out the profile icon of the caller. His hand slides right and places it to his ear as M4 shifts in her sleep and presses closer against his sides.

K: "Yes, this is Krieger."

?: "It's about time you picked up. I got to 4 rings."

K: "There's something called sleep, I don't know if you do that Mrs. Helian."

H: "Not right now at least, I need you back in your previous sector."

K: "So soon? It hasn't even been more than a year since you put in this icy hell hole."

H: "Tell that to the guy who quit, said the position was too stressful. I could see grey hair on his hand when I went for inspection."

K: "My hair is practically silver now, it's a part of the job, Christ.. When?"

H: "Tomorrow morning. I have Violet subbing for now."

K: "It can't be that bad right?"

H: "Don't say that, we're seeing a rise in activity here, its like they knew someone was missing."

"That's just wonderful, can I go back to sleep now?" He asks, the warmth on his left side growing as a certain someone decides to use him body pillow.

H: "Sure, but I need you here before noon."

K: "Yes ma'am."

H: "Don't make me deduct your pa- boop

The phone goes silent. Krieger sighs and sets it down before sliding back under the sheets, M4 finally face to face, nuzzles a cheek against him. He smiles and places a hand behind her head, holding her close.

M4: "Was that Ms. Helian, Commander?"

K: "Yes dear, we'll be moving back tomorrow."

M4: "I see, I'll let my team know. Did you like this place?"

K: "I hated this place, all that cold and snow. Now lets get some sleep before the sun comes up."

A few hours later...

The bases is in full chaos now with the announcement to pack, dolls sorting through their belongings and packing them into duffel bags, mechanics and drivers going over final checklists and inspections of the motor pool, while Miss Kalina scrounges through her room and office for any papers she might have missed.

D: "Remember to meet me back in the old infirmary once we touch down, Commander. I need to perform your weekly checkup."

K: "Yes doc, are you finished packing up your stuff?"

D: "I'm, the medical dolls are helping the heavier equipment."

K: "Thats good, you think this move will extend my service time?"

D: "I'm sure the cold isn't helping, but I can't promise any signifcant changes."

K: "Can't you just replace whats bad with synthetic stuff? I get the idea that donor organs are easier and whatnot, but I can't help but think it would save us the cost and time."

D: "I suppose we could propose it.."

K: "Doc, I'm already what? 20% robot with my arm and leg, It wouldn't be much to me if you replaced a liver, or a kidney."

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