On-site shenanigans: Napalm

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PA: FPU unit please proceed to dorm 5, I repeat please report to dorm 5.

"What did K11 do this time? Ugh come on M4, I told her once, then twice, this is the 4th time not counting when I got back from the practice drill."

"Careful commander the doctor says you should ease up movement, that rib is still healing."

"Its fine, come on lets go see what she set on fire this time."

The commander and M4 arrive at a smoking dorm, with the FPU unit extinguishing the last of the blaze, echelon 5 all standing outside, M1911 dressing Vector and K11s wounds.

"What happened this time?"

"I-It wasn't me commander! Vector lit a molotov and tr-tried to juggle it and bumped into me, waaaaaaa please don't punish me."

"Hmph well you shouldn't have been using  naphthenic and aliphatic carboxylic acids and amatol in the dorm."

"Both of you are right, and both at fault, K11 I'm gonna have to ask you to refrain from using any chemical, or powdered explosives for rest of the week, and Vector, you can only use Molotovs at the range or in battle."

"Bu- But-

"This conversation ends here, you too K11, now I need to see what you have done AGAIN to my dorm."

The commander walks through inspecting the damage, the only destruction seeming to come from the back end, coughing on the smoke the commander walks forth, the table where K11s experiments happen is burned and melted, an old half burnt poster hangs onto a soot covered wall, his foot landing on a tube crunching as he stepped on it, he lifts his foot to read the chemical soaked label.

"Now why would you keep volatile Nitroglycerin in the dorm K11?"

"Well I don't know where else to keep it."

"Yo commander, what happened here?"

"The dorm caught on fire thanks to K11 and Vector, and watch that cigarette there's nitroglycerin in here."

"Ain't that great for your wallet? Fine I'll get rid of this thing then."

"Wait! Don't toss it."


His ears ringing Krieger wipes the dust off his face, He lifts his head up, trying to find why he can't get up, his prosthetic leg blasted to pieces.

"Really? Again? Are you f###ing kidding me?"

"Commander are you all right?"

"No, I couldn't have been better, I can't walk, can't hear for sh*t, really great."

"Stop with the sarcasm, let's get you to the infirmary, you're covered in glass shards."

"I'm gonna fricking kill K11 and M16, where did they go?"

"They ran off after the explosion commander, I can call for Sopmod to bring them back."

"Do tell her, her reward will be a headpats and cuddle, that should send her running."

"Anything feel wrong commander?"

"Well that healed rib feels broken again and my right leg is missing."

"Well the repair should fix the leg up and the doctors will check up on you."

"Thank you M4 I can't count how many times I have had you pull me out of something."

"Anything for you commander."

"Thank you my beloved."

This should makeup for that failed upload 2 days ago, sorry guys, but I can't stress this enough, Thank you for sticking with me so long, special thanks to Saber.

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