1; Sigh.

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He stopped jogging and shoved his hand into his sweat pant's pocket. He brought out his ear pods and pinned it to both his ears. As if waiting, his phone pinged in his pocket indicating an incoming call. Without checking the caller ID, he touched the ear pod

"Ridwan." A voice called. The voice he loves listening to and the voice he  recognizes in all situations

"Mum." He replied etching a smile across his lips. He shoved his hand over his finely Brushed thick black Hair.

"How are you how is Larnaca?" She asked smiling .

"Me is fine so is Larnaca. How is Dad?" Ridwan asked afraid of the answer he will get from his mother

"Shut up! Instead of you to have the sense to call him but you didn't. He will deal with you ai." She said, her voice expressing a hint of Lark.

Ridwan let out a boyish smile. He Anticipated that answer from his mother. "You know Mai Martaba whenever I call him, he will force me to come for holiday and I have so many things to do since studies is hectic these days. You know final year." Ridwan Said, air quoting the 'final year' part

His mother laughed an honest beautiful laugh. Her boy will never change "Toh sarkin surutu, talkative. Help me remember you are a final year student even though I haven't forgotten. Better start looking for your a wife because I'm eager to have a granddaughter!" She said, with enthusiasm laced in her voice

Ridwan mentally rolled his eyes at his mother's words. She loves bringing up this topic. Well, She right though, it is  time enough for him to start looking for a wife. Haha what is he saying? No matter the Spurs hiding them away from each other, they will discover each other whenever the time comes "Mama Mama, my Knight in shining Armour."

"Haha you can't bribe me to change the topic Ridwan. Anyways, I have things to do. Call me later, Take care. Jakadiya have you done --"

Ridwan chortled at his mother's busy self. Yeah right, it's pretty hard to be a Queen but doesn't she have maids to throw order at? That is never happening. There are over hundreds or maybe thousands of maids at the Palace so scratch that. He knows his mother perhaps she just decides to supervise everything herself so it would go the way she likes it

He put back his ear pods and jogged down the path.



You can call Afrah a jovial girl but that doesn't mean she doesn't encounter problems. She tries so hard to keep it aside and move on with her activities, submerges every anguish and live her life. Problems never finish she would often say to herself.

"Inna, what do  I cook today? The maize we have is finished." Afrah sat close to her mother on the wonky brown bench that has been there even before she came to this world.

Inna sighed, adjusting her seating position on the bench "We have nothing Afrah. Just try and go to this our neighbour, Maman Aisha and ask if we can get some pap to settle our grumbling stomachs."

Afrah took a deep breath before she nodded. She doesn't like it when she begs for something precisely food in their neighbour's house. Not that the woman doesn't give them, or grumbles before she give them. Infact, the woman herself told them to come anytime they need help. She promised to help them with whatever little thing she has. Her husband is a Young police officer that tries his best to bring food to the table. They are very comfortable, so both of them don't mind helping Afrah and her mother. Albeit, Afrah loathes asking for help from that woman. She wants them to be independent and stop living from Hand to mouth

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