
191 47 0

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Ridwan picked up the papers that were scattered on the coffee brown table. He flipped pages as he went through everything. His phone Rang making him Shove his hand in his pocket

'Big Bro' appeared as the caller ID. He swiped and picked the car "Seh Brooooooo!" Ridwan called out making Ammar roll his eyes. "How far, Bro." Ridwan asked wiggling his brows as if He can see him

"Fine fine, Lad, Ya matas, how's the wife?" Ammar asked.

Ridwan looked around to See if Afrah is within earshot. Seeing that She wasn't. "She's here troubling the heck out of me. Maybe I should get another wife soon." Ridwan looked around to Make sure she wasn't listening

"Chab! I pity Mr Dala if Afrah hears him. But you know what?" Ammar also looked around "I think that's what I would do also. Let's get go
find fine wines."

"Which Fine wine?" Ammar's wife, Raulah chirped in loudly

"Oops Man, you've got to fix your problem." Ridwan laughed at while Ammar whispered an 'I'll deal with you' 

Raulah  snatched his phone.

"Ridwan I'll make Afrah break those Agwa gwa leg of yours if you don't behave. So you're telling him to find a fine wine right?"

"Ah No! Me that I'm the little brother how would I tell him what to do, Anti Raulah. I was only warning him on finding a fine wine but he insisted. I know it's not good Fah. Ya Ammar fear God." Ridwan mentally laughed as he imagined the look on Ammar's face.

"I'll deal with you both."

"Haba Azizaty, honey, my Ruu. We were just kidding." Ammar toasted and Ridwan couldn't close his mouth due to the sweet Voice Ammar used. He never knew his workaholic brother could flirt with his wife like this.

Ammar took back his phone while Raulah left "Ridwan you're a number one Traitor I'm telling you. Our next meeting won't be pleasant because I'll literally kill you!" Ammar yelled while Ridwan only laughed

"But Seriously I never knew you could toast like that, Ya Ammar." Ridwan laughed again which Ammar had to join.

He Shrugged. "I've got no other choice, Man. That reminds me, please do quick and Send me that work. Those people are getting on my neck. We need to compile and Send it ASAP."

"Don't worry I'm almost done. I'm waiting for Irfan also to compile his so I'd send it. And again, if they are getting on your neck you could just twirl the neck just so they'll fall out, You know." Ridwan shrugged

"Ridwan you need Serious beating."

Ridwan laughed but immediately became serious "Urm, I spoke with Afrah recently and I found out that Ya Adam was right."


"Why Mama hates Afrah. There is a reason."


Afrah came out of the Room and smiled as Ridwan talked on the phone. She sat close to Ridwan. She shoved her hands through the papers. Just then Ridwan was through with his phone call.

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