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Ridwan walked into the chamber with a gloomy face. He huffed as if a person who just performed a 10,000 meter race. He dismissed the maids rudely which is so unlike him.

"Stay behind, Afrah." He spoke to Afrah not caring if the other maids heard or they didn't.

Afrah moved to where he was seating "Is something wrong Ridwan?"

"Why is the world unfair to me? Why is this world full of anguishes and pricks? Full of horrible surprises and miserable situations?"

Afrah sighed, "I don't have the answer to your questions but I'll tell you, I know there are pricks and anguishes but never say life isn't fair on You. Let the anguishes and pain be the trigger to your success, let it lead you to a pain free world. But know that in your Journey, those anguishes would show you their true colours, they would try taking you down and that is when the War would begin, You should fight for yourselves and be determined. Don't succumb but rather resolute but before that, believe in yourself!" Afrah completed with a sigh. If not that she had used this words into actions, she wouldn't have stood on her feet


Mai girma Waziri, twined his fingers together resting them on his laps

"Abdulkadir, we have to do something! We have to make him tell us the rationale behind this or we are embracing problem for ourselves."

"I know right, Muhhamad but what do you want me to do? Just look at the way we snapped at him and tried forcing him to tell us what happened but all in vain. I think we should  let him for now." The king explained wetting his chapped lips with his tongue

"And?" Muhhamad asked looking at his brother

"Go on with preparations."


"Ridwan, You don't lie to me. What is wrong with you?" The Queen asked after dismissing the maids

"Maa... It's...erm....uh..nothing." Ridwan stuttered disregarding the urge to tell his mother what is happening. He knows the commotion that would cause considering how she loves this wedding. Maybe that was why Baba didn't inform her.

"Kai Ridwan! Look at me! I took in my tummy for nine full months enduring all those morning sickness and nausea just to bring you to the world. Bringing you is one of the pains I don't wantu remember. It is an unbearable pain that only lucky ones among Women get the opportunity to endure. That is just before you came to this world. Talkess of the way I raised you and took care of you which is a story for another day.  So now tell me, if you don't share your problems with me then with who would you share it with?"

"Mum, you shouldn't hear it from me. Ask dad. I'm sorry Mum." He stood up and left


"I don't know why Ridwan said he's not getting married to Sheila! I don't know!" The Queen exclaimed hitting her hand on the dinning table totally irked

Sheila's Mother Sighed "What are we supposed to do now? How would we make him tell us the truth how?"

"The boy is stubborn! Mai Martaba and his brother snapped at him to tell them the reason but that boy won't budge. But Maybe you should call Sheila and let's ask her." Her highness Salma spoke

"I've been asking her since you told me but the girl insisted she doesn't know. I don't know what we should do right now."

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