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Afrah stared at Ridwan who was looking at her, and at the same time taking his Ice cream. He can't imagine this beautiful cute lady would soon be his wife! The feeling! Ya Allah. He smiled at her waiting for her to tell him, 'staring is rude bonito' as usual, but she didn't do it now. Instead, she sighed a and moved her gaze to her now melted Ice cream. She was Just playing with the spatula and couldn't move it to her mouth

Worry lines drew on his forehead as he stood up from his chair, rounding off to her chair. He pulled his chair and sat close to her living a bit distance between them

"Is something wrong, Chefra?"

Afrah gulped thickly. She knows saying this would be a bit selfish, but it's not like she has choice. Besides, she won't force them if they don't budge

"I... I.... "She trailed off, waiting to look at him. When she saw the worried eyes, She felt like not going on but the Sooner the better right?

"I know probably Mai Martaba would order people to research and know everything about my background....." He stared at her, waiting for her to speak out and feeling like squeezing the words out

She gulped and went on, "I promised my Mother to never research about my background or look for her relatives or my Father's relatives. It's a memory she always gets pissed off at reminiscing. So please, can you talk to your Father? I know I'm selfish but I'm obeying my mother's wish. I'm sorry." She sobbed hard into her palms. If they try researching, they'd know everything and even Her stay with Anti Saude. They would know why she left and apparently everybody would see her fault.

"Afrah No. Stop saying that. You ain't selfish. I can understand. I would try my possible best."

"Ladies and gentle men, meet the Dala couple!"

They all tilted their heads to the direction of the source but they Spotted Sheila walking to their table. She kept her hand bag and sat on the Vacant chair on the table. Whoo! That was close! Had it been she heard their conversation, who even knows what would happen

" You're so sweet, Chefra. And, that's why I love you more. Beautiful, amazing, cute, sweet,....Ugh! " Ridwan sighed cutely looking at Afrah. They disregarded Sheila's presence

"Awwwn, So sweet. I've been blushing since  like a baby." Afrah cooed looking at Sheila through the side of her eyes. She was literally fuming in Anger! How dare them!. Nonetheless, She feigned a yawn to show that the Show in Front of her was boring

"What a tedious Show." She pretended to mumble to herself but she said in a way that they would hear her, "But okay, Chefra. As he called. You just have to thank the excessive amount of melanin you have, if not your cheeks would have gone crimson red. Sha, You Know Ridwan is such an expert in making ladies blush. I was once a victim you know." Sheila smirked seeing the expressions on thier faces

"Enough Sheila! Get out of here now!" Ridwan yelled pointing the door. Sheila released a laugh

"So you've noticed my presence? Huh?  You we're telling 'Chefra' how sweet she is and oh guess you've forgotten. You told me that months ago. Oopsie doopsie." She laughed again making Ridwan scrunch his hand tightly ready to send a blow. If not for Afrah that stopped him, he would have sent Sheila six feet under

"No let him, let him kill his innocent Habibty. How would I forget that he's an eloper? Tut tut pitiful. Afrah dear, take care of my habibty." She laughed and walked out. Ridwan huffed hitting his leg hard on the table

"Why did you stop me from breaking her cockroach legs! "

Afrah shook her head " Then you're her if that's the case. Let her be. Maybe it's her cockroach legs that are itching." Afrah laughed trying to make Ridwan laugh but he bit his lips to stop himself. Afrah noticed that, so she laughed so hard. Yeah, the type of laugh that makes a person laugh

Read that again!

Ridwan finally couldn't hold it anymore, so he laughed


"And that was why I came to talk to you, Dad. " Ridwan said looking at his Father.

The king sighed "You know it isn't proper right? Her mother would never ask her not to research about her history if not something awful had happened. And also think about Afrah, Don't you think she needs to know everything about her? And whatever it is that her Mother buries in the Pasts, can hurt her in the Future. We don't pray for such Anyway."

Ridwan knew his Father was right. Most especially about Afrah's situation but for now, let it be that. He knows Afrah would never hurt him so it's better he marries her first, Everything later

"I know Dad but I think we should deal with everything After the Marriage. I know Afrah too well Daddy. She's not hiding anything from me."


Sheila smiled a mischievous smile as Zubaida broke the news to her. How she sneaked in the lobby of the stead and even managed to listen to the King and his son's conversation would forever remain a mystery. She knows if someone catches her there, then she is goner but as the hypocrite she is, she had to sneak in

Sheila brought Zubaida out of her trance "Shegya Zubaida! You need a reward for this." Sheila brought out her clutch and unzipped it, bringing out bundle of money. She handed it to Zubaida, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Zubaida took the money and before the blink of an eye, she left

Sheila zipped back her Clutch and smirked

"Dalas y'all wait and See!"


Sheila hummed to the Song that was playing in Her Radio. She was listening to,  know you. By simi Ft Ladipoe

Is she the only fan of Simi? She loves her songs like hell

Sheila yelled together with Simi as she drove. She is as happy as a toddler and is back to her jovial Self. She shoved her hand in her back and dialled and dialed a number. She shoved it to her ear and mentally cursed herself for leaving her ear pods at home. Pretty Annoying!

"S. " The person at the other end called

"I've gotten the best way to Stop this marriage. Simple and important."

"Guuuuuuuuud! " The other end dragged

Sheila parted her lips to speak but the phone cut off. She faintly hissed and dialed the number again. Its wasn't going through, so she tossed the phone elsewhere and decided to drive to her destination. She yelled the Song again and even closed her eyes.

But as Soon as She opened, Garaam! Was the sound that came to her ears. It sounded as if she hit something else but that wasn't her problem. The pain she felt on her head was the matter at hand

Her eyes slowly drifted and she saw black and black only! Well, story for another Day


Ridwan and Afrah walked into the hospital. As soon as Nawal spotted them, he stood up in a hurry.

"They didn't let us see her, Ridwan. I wonder what this girl did to herself this time around." He palmed his face while Ridwan gave him a manly hug patting his back lightly

"She would recover very soon Insha Allah."

Nawal smiled at Ridwan and back to Afrah, "Even after what she did to you, you still had to come. Thank you guys."

"Don't worry, Nawal. I know Sheila wasn't nice to me but we all are not perfect right? For now, let's Just pray for her well being " Afrah didn't shut her mouth when the doctor came out of the ICU

Sheila's Mother and her Father, who sat far from the ICU, Jogged in a hurry. Sheila's Father was trying to calm her down but she wouldn't budge.

"I'm Sorry... "


I know probably Most of you would be happy about this situation but it's not over till the fat lady sings



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