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"Maria answer me. Where did you get the video?" Afrah moved her gaze from Ridwan to the phone that is on hands-free as they spoke with her


Flashback shows when Yumnah bumped into Irfan.
"Watch out young Lady." He spoke rubbing his forehead

"Sorry." Was all She said as she walked away

He only shook his head sideways and walked away

"Yumnah, how many times do I have to tell you to stop bumping into people? Try hard to watch your way." Her Mother walked a bit fast to where she stood.

"Let's go home, Mami. I need rest."

Anti Saude shook her head sideways and they walked to their house.

Irfan wasn't that far from them, so he heard her Mother. He waited for them to move into their house before he also left. The lady seems oddly familiar to him.


After this event had happened, Irfan asked for the voice note of when Anti Saude spoke. The one Simwal and Sheila sent to The king and Ridwan. He had been having a hard time to agree with it. He knows it, Afrah would never do that

"Is everything okay?" Maria asked.

"Your phone," She stared at him with the look that screams 'elaborate Mr' "I'm only checking something." He said laughing a little as the look on her face.
He  collected her phone and listened to the voice note. He knows the voice, where did he know this voice? He knows the voice Somewhere....

He just didn't say anything to Maria. He told her that he wants them to fly to Rome as soon as possible. Maria kept asking for feedback but later gave on as she got non.

Upon reaching Rome, They took a way to somewhere she can't remember knowing. They waited in the car for almost an hour and luckily, Someone walked out. Someone she never Expected.


Irfan went out and he stopped her

"Please listen to us. It's something very important."

She rolled her eyes "Am sorry but No." She briefly glanced at her wrist watch,"I have important things to do." She attempted side stepping him but he blocked her way. Maria, who couldn't wait anymore hopped out of the Car


"Yumnah? Do you know him? Irfan, Do you know her?"

"No I don't. I only bumped into her that day." Yumnah stared at him and realised that it was the same man she had bumped into

"After I had listened to that recording, I realised that I have heard that voice, somewhere And suddenly, I remembered it was This lady's Mother. And that was why I came here." They explained everything to Yumnah and they even played the Audio 

"It's the Stupid Jibril! Son of pig!" ''He came to me as a friend and the stupid me, Budged!" She yelled angrily.

Yumnah also explained everything that had happened between her and Simwal. She promised to help Afrah but however, Maria had to ask the Question that has been bothering her,

"But Yumnah, you know you have the way to help Afrah but why didn't you? I mean since from the Utmost beginning."

Yumnah mashed her lips together "After I came back that day, My Mother told me everything. Of course what she saw. I knew everything and I tried explaining it to her but she didn't listen. I approached my Father and threatened to tell My mom about everything if he doesn't bring back Afrah home. He pretended as if he doesn't know what I was saying and Immediately, he transferred us to Rome in the name of me Studying. He blocked every way I can get to Afrah and Made sure he's secret was Safe. I hated him since from that. I promised to look for Afrah myself but when I managed to sneak back to Katsina, I went to the restaurant Afrah worked but it was closed. And I knew that was my Father's doings. But now, I know what I'll do." Just like Magic, An idea hopped on her brain. All this while,  she didn't think of checking the Security Camera. Normally, they don't have the habit of checking the tape of their security  camera. She checked stack of old items and luckily, She Found the tape. She rewind back to that day and she found everything.

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