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"Fri!fri!" Ridwan called slightly tapping Afrah to wake up. Fri Fri is what he calla her now. He sometimes call her chefra, frifri, or Afr.

While she calls him either bonito, bonti, Ridwi, Habiby,  hmm all sort of love names

Afrah stood up immediately as she remembered she's in Arizona. Ridwan helped her and they got out of the plane which she had to coo. And fortunately, it's night there so she privileged to witness the Night view of Arizona. Masha Allah

"Welcome to Arizona Mr Dala." A fair Man in his mid 20s Greeted bowing a little. Afrah had to give her skin a once over. For the first time she felt so black! Okay yes, she's not  dark and she isn't fair also but compared to this man, they are totally Dark! Afrah felt a bit better she noticed  black Americans nuzzling around which shows they aren't the only blacks there

"Thank you, Sam." Ridwan replied causing Afrah to furrow her eye brow

"You-- Kasan shi ne?, You know him?" She wanted to ask in English then she realised the Man just spoke English not Spanish or Italino in fact they are in the city of English even though their English kind of sounds informal.

"Uhum. He'll help us with our tour here and he'll take us to our suite." Ridwan explained

"Good morning Ma'am." Sam spoke with his thick American Accent

"Morning Sam. How are you doing? "

"Fine Ma'am. You're welcome to Arizona."

Afrah flashed him a smile and by then, their boxes were done with the  procedures but this time around, a black American came with the boxes. He also greeted them in a polite way while Sam led the way to where a Car waited for them outside the Arrival lounge.


"Have a nice day." Sam and the black American chorused after they kept their boxes.

"Plus, Dinner would be available in Ten." Sam said with a warm smile

Ridwan nodded "Thank you Sam."

Sam bowed a little and they both left. Ridwan locked the door and walked back to the room where Afrah slumped on the Soft bed. She was jet lagged and can't wait to visit La-la land.

Ridwan copied her lying position and they both stared at the ceiling. Ridwan picked something more of a remote and he pointed it to the ceiling. Immediately, it beeped and like magic, it swayed,  letting them see beautiful Stars which shone in the blue Sky

"Wow!" Afrah cooed

Ridwan smiled and gave her the Anything-for-you look

"Thank you bontino! Thank you." She hugged him tightly. "It's so good and beautiful. Thank you for everything." She rested her head on his chest. He bended a little and placed a kiss on her head "Haven't I told you this is the beginning? You made me realise the truth about life and if not for your words, I wouldn't have stood on my feet and do you know what?"

She shook her head sideways

"I love you... So much." He smiled while she reciprocated

"I love you too.... So much." She replied

He kissed her for some seconds before he stood up " Hey, let's check the view." He stood up and she also did. They laced their fingers together and moved towards the balcony. He opened the French door and they moved out

"It's beautiful! Isn't it?" Afrah asked while he boobed his head

"Abso-freaking- olutely!"

"Ding dong." The door bell chimed making them sway their heads to the direction.

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