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A wedding is approaching which is the talk of the town all over,

Prince Ridwan Abdulkadir Mai dala is getting married to Shelia Idris Saraki

This is what we call, Royal wedding!

The date have been set and Everybody is waiting for the time to approach. 100 packs of Kolanut, 100 packs of Eclairs chocolates , and 100 packs of bubble gum landed in The Saraki's Mansion for the date fixing. HRH Abdulkadir Mai dala wanted to gift them with a car also but Saraki told them it's okay

Afrah sat down crying to herself. Since when Ridwan's date with Shelia was set, she hardly see Ridwan these days. And the Queen is always on her neck. She has been keeping close eye on Afrah and tries to find fault in everything Afrah does. And Sheila also, she always look for the opportunity to insult Afrah or call her worn filthy maid most especially now that Ridwan seldom stays indoors. He is either with Sheila,  or in the main Palace with his brothers, office, or buzzing off with his preparations. To cut the long story short, He eats only Dinner in his chamber which mostly is when Afrah leaves because he comes back late, or Maybe they bump into each other on her way back to their quarters. Afrah cried more playing with the bracelet Ridwan gave her

"Afrah, why are you crying?" Irfan asked sitting close to her

"It's nothing Irfan, okay I honestly do not know why I'm crying." She uttered the truth. Why is she crying? Is she crying because of Ridwan? Or Shelia? Or the Queen.

"I see no rationale why a person would cry without a reason. How is it possible? I've never seen that."

She shrugged "You've seen it today."

He sighed "Listen Afrah, they are times when somethings don't go according to our wishes. We all have problems and mostly don't feel okay sharing it with people. I know. But take heart, Pray to your Lord and Insha Allah everything would be okay. Behind every hardship is happiness so it's left for you to try and unveil the happiness but in doing so, just know that you have to get hurt but everything would be fine After that."

She released a long sigh and forced a smile


Ridwan tried Shelia's number but it isn't going through. He doesn't even know what is happening to her this days...

"Sir, it's time for the meeting." Aziza, Ridwan's Assistant informed shutting her laptop. Ridwan gave her a curt nod and moved out of the office while she went in tow.

"Now let's take ourselves to the most boring stead ever."Ridwan rolled his eyes dramatically causing Aziza to laugh. Her boss is never serious and you never get tired when you're with him. Though he can be serious when it comes to his business but Indeed, Shelia is lucky to have him


"Hello Shelia, you've got me worried. I've been trying to call your number but it isn't going through."

"Sorry Habiby I was busy with School and as of now that I'm verbalizing , I'm in School and I need to go into lectures. Sorry." She hung up not waiting for him to conclude he's done or not

"She hung up on me?" He asked himself with furrowed eye brows and then Boom! He saw someone he never expected. He flew the phone elsewhere and turned on the ignition clipping on his ear pods

"Maria you can't imagine how guilty I felt seeing you here. I wanted to come wallah. I was even supposed to come and visit you and Ummah. Gosh! It skipped my mind wallah. Mtssww I wonder why my memory resembles a sieve this days." Afrah rambled feeling ashamed for not visiting them. She was supposed to do so right? Oh lord!

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