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What surprised Afrah was that, just flashed her a smile and walk passed her

"Like seriously!" She whispered to herself. What sorts of Roller coaster pranks are they playing on her?

Irfan came out of the place he entered but with Maria beside him. She also looks beautiful and her face is caked with Makeup

"We bumped into each other that day when we do not know what life detained for us. I never knew there would be a day when I would fall in love at first sight after some events that had happened. But you changed that and here we are today." Irfan told Maria while she stood but surprised.

Afrah stood there looking at them like a rat closed in a kettle. She heard foot steps and swiveled her head to the source

"Since the beginning of my life, I always wanted a relationship founded with trust, bounded with love and care, and not for any selfish interest. I thought I got one until when I was proved wrong. I know I should've accepted what I feel for you since from the scratch. But rather, I embraced paranoia and that brought problem into our lives. Anyways, let bygones be bygones and let it be the beginning of our new relationship. I want to build a true relationship embedded with trust and hope and I know I can build it with you. Would you be my Chefra?" Ridwan knelt down in front of the Shocked Afrah while Irfan also knelt in front of the shocked Maria. Maria was also as shocked as Afrah was because they only told her to bring Afrah because Ridwan is going to propose to her and now Irfan knelt in front of her! Asking her for her to accept his love! When did that begin even? She means, when did he began loving her?

"Maria Suleiman, Would you Marry me?"

Maria stared at Irfan not knowing the answer to give him back. But wait, What Irfan did is something considerate. He sacrificed his happiness for Afrah and Ridwan so why don't he  gets his own happiness with her? They bumped into each other that day when she came to the palace that day, to meet Afrah

Maria sighed and stared at Irfan motioning for him to stand up. He isn't her Muhharam so therefore, she can't pull him up herself

"Irfan, you did so many things I don't think I myself can do. You scarified your love just to please the people you love and that is true love. So why not make you happy also?  Why not be the source of your happiness?" She sighed

"Yes Irfan, Yes.".......

Afrah stared at Ridwan albeit the tears that blurred her vision. She never expected him to propose this fast never! She understands how he feels after being emotionally bruised so she didn't expect him to make this decision this quick! And again, his family...

Would they accept her?

And Sheila?

Afrah got rid of those thoughts and also motioned for him to stand up. She wanted to pull him up but remembered that he's not her Muhharam

"Yes, Bonito." She also replied causing his protrudes tilt into a wide relief smile


A lady walked into the house After quarreling with the guards for some seconds. They can see clearly that she's wearing the Maids' uniform then why all the nonsense? And besides, The owner of the house is just the Kilishi and not some other high Title. The maid shoved her phone to her ear with a shaky hand

Within some seconds, the person at the other end picked

The maid sighed in relief "Am outside the second gate."She spoke too fast as she hit her legs on the interlocked floor. She is not the patient type, so she hit her legs on the floor impatiently

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