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The chapter is dedicated to my two sisters

@Khaara's Empire & @Emotional palace

Enjoy 🙃

Mukthar was surprised as the Queen huffed. If looks could kill, he would've been six feet under by now. She pointed her index finger at him

"It was Good that you came out first. I don't really know you, nor do I know your name but I came here to warn you. I know you're Afrah's father, or guardian, or whatever... I don't really care. I'm not here for introductions though I'm quite sure you know me. So I came to tell you, warn your daughter to stay away from my Son. She should stop dreaming of Becoming Ridwan's wife because she can't be a dala. The Dalas didn't commit any sin to have her as an in-law." The last statement felt like a driller pierced against his bald head. Though Afrah isn't his real daughter, but he cares about her and takes her as his real daughter, loving her just the same way he loves his own daughter, Maria

The Queen mashed her lips together "Let it not go round... If not, You wouldn't want to see what would happen to your loved ones."

Mukthar stared at her in haste. He understood her statement. This simply means Mai Martaba isn't aware of this, pretty cool. Then, he has a plan. But it clicked in his mind again as he remembered her words "You wouldn't want to see what would happen to your loved ones."

Oh no! This is Terrible, Ya Allah

All this while, He didn't utter anything to the Queen and that made her more angry. She wanted him to throw a come back so she'll have a pretty good reason to deal with him, but he didn't. You know how annoying it is.

She just swiveled around while one of the jobless Fadawa opened the door for her as She hopped into the owner's corner. The guards also hopped into their cars and moved the convoy in a speed which would be considered as Illegal but to them, it indicates the aura of power and vigour

Mukthar turned around only to see a pair of dark orbs staring at him

"Afrah, it's not.."

Afrah shook her head "I heard everything and I understood pretty well." She turned around and went in


Two voices were heard as they spoke in a gloomy, dark, stead.

"What do you want me to do other than this?" The man spoke with his poor English accent

"You know messing with the king is something not pleasant Ay? Were you even in your right sense?"

"Hey, don't speak nasty-like here. I work that way, and I would keep on working that way. Messing with their brakes is no big deal." He clenched his teeth letting the words flow with much difficulty

She only sighed not knowing what to do. If something happens to the King, then, they are goners and hopeless


Sheila plopped on the bed pushing a pillow on her head. How would The Queen allow them to Go  and meet Afrah's Father. How would she stop this,? How?

She scrunched her face as her phone buzzed and irradiated presenting a call from an unknown number. She usually doesn't pick calls from unknown numbers, so she disregarded and absently swiped her finger across the left side of the screen. The phone buzzed again and that was when she stared at it carefully. The number wasn't a +234 so definitely, it isn't a Nigerian number. Sheila hesitated on picking but you know curiosity Right? She became curious and found her fingers swiping right side across the screen. She shoved the phone to her ear and waited for some seconds while the person at the other end spoke

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