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Ammar broke the news to Mai Martaba and waziri leaving them flabbergasted. He read out the note for them.

Mai Martaba took the note and read it again  and again not believing the situation one bit. He cannot sink in the fact that Ridwan left? To where? Why?  Because he doesn't want the marriage?

This is ridiculous

"We have to do something, As quick as possible!" Muhhamad exclaimed looking at his brother for an answer but got none.

"Mai Martaba, You aren't saying Anything!"He yelled again

"Let's just cancel the marriage,Waziri." The king spoke but what he said took them by surprise

"Cancel the Marriage? You know how this would affect the respect people see you with right? This is about your Image!"He air quoted the word 'Image'

"I know but didn't you read the letter he Left? He said if we substitute with anyone we are making a huge mistake!" The king rose his voice a little

"And his saying is the top priority!? If he cares about that he wouldn't have left...let's just tie it with Irfan." Mahhammad spoke. He isn't in love with this idea but that is the only solution

"No! Am not risking Irfan for the my own benefit! We don't know the reason behind this!"

Muhhamad sighed. He also doesn't want to risk his own son but Mai Martaba is also his brother. Should he be choosy? "Alright then, as you wish! But I suggest you should call Sheila yourself and ask her maybe she would tell you the reason."


"Sheila, I am your Mother. If you don't tell anyone your worries then who would you tell?" 
"This is your brother–." She pointed at Nawal who stood with a worried face. His best friend did something unforgivable but he shouldn't just judge right? But why aren't they both saying anything! Why?

"–At least if there are somethings you can't tell me, why won't you tell Nawal huh?" Her voice was not cold anymore. She was starting to get more irked by the situation. Why is her daughter Stubborn?

"I don't know anything Ammeiy, I don't." She repeated what she has been saying since

Hajia Safiyya hissed and stood up "Okay then, suit yourself!" She turned to leave but remembered something "Mai Martaba needs to talk to you." She added and sashayed out. Nawal who didn't even know what to do, gave Sheila a once over and left.

Sheila cried more and more. How can she sit in front of the King telling him She doesn't know anything? Considering how intimidating he can be. And she knows her Father would be there. Lord! She has tried so hard to avoid him.

Nevertheless, she stood up and got ready to face whatever it is


All these days, Afrah is nothing but worried. Demi part of her is happy about Sheila and Ridwan's marriage canceled. Call her selfish but she's somehow happy. Why isn't she completely happy though? Maybe because she's worried about Ridwan, or because he left, Or because of her feelings towards him. The four of them, Nina, Afrah, and the two other maids have been moved to the main Palace since Ridwan is not here. They now work in the Main Palace for the Royal family

Afrah's phone rang cutting her train of thoughts

Without checking the ID, She shoved it to her ear "Hello." She talked and was so surprised about that. Normally if an unknown number calls and is not ready to talk or introduce himself, She also keeps shut and begin a breathing competition. But she didn't now. Though she knows she has changed also these days. The Stubborn, blubby, jovial girl you know is dead. A new Afrah is here, a girl as cold as cucumber, in a nut shell, and always quiet.

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