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Afrah moved to the place as far as her legs could take her. She stopped on her tracks as she didn't see Ridwan but only the lady was there. The lady spoke in some wired language and bowed, handing Afrah a banquet of flower. The lady turned and left. Afrah moved further into the place not understanding one bit of everything. She noticed a Card in the banquet of flowers so she read it out

'Welcome to My Frifri'

Was written there. She noticed a place more of a carve or hut or whatever. She moved into the place and boom!  Lights irradiated. The place was beautiful! Lights shone while Hawaiian roses adored the place. 5 minutes ago, she was taken by the beauty of the beach but now, This place is WAY more beautiful. She noticed the two chairs and a round table between by the side. The wall itself is something else as sea Gems were arranged and orchestrated  in rows and columns. A large glass wall was the other side as it gave a beautiful view of the Tropical beach. Who wouldn't ask for This place Ya Allah?

Then,  if this place in the world can be as beautiful then how would the paradise be then? Beyond imagination Huh? 

Ya Allah grant us Jannatul Firdaus!

Projector shone on the wall and the first picture that appeared was,

Their wedding picture. They stared at each other with love and utmost care.

'Surprised Huh? Well, You are my Fri Fri'

Was the caption.

"I fell in a Forest Dark and gloomy, moving Dexter to sinister. My eyes moved haywire as I tried spotting a source of light to find where I am and to know the way to continue my journey. Abruptly, my eyes spotted a thin light coming out of the ground. Firstly,  I hesitated. Then, I found myself digging out the source of light. It was so deep in the ground and I realised the more I dig, the more it shone. Alas! I was done digging and and the whole place illuminated and that was when everything changed, the journey, my life, even Me. The light leaded me to the way I was supposed to follow and that was how I left the place. But before I left, I hid the Gem in my pocket not letting it shine, and then, the place went Dark again. And with that, I realised how that Gem is important in my life and Do you the Gem?

Well, it's you Afrah. My Frifri, my Chefra."

Ridwan came in with a wide plastered on his Face. He brought out a paper from his pocket and handed to the shocked Lady in front of him. Afrah who stood there flabbergasted, took the paper. She unfolded the paper and what she saw took her by surprise. He got Admission for her to Study Architecture at United Arab Emirates.

Ya Allah! This is her all time DREAM!!!!!!

"I love you so Much Ridwan. I never knew you would remember my dream to Study Architecture." They were having 20 Questions that day and she told him she wants to Study Architecture.

She hugged him too tightly as she cried nonstop.

"Shh. C'mon. I'm your bonito so what's the problem? I love you so much Frifri. I don't want to see you crying." Ridwan said. He began tickling her while she giggled as the tears stopped.

Who wouldn't Ask for Ridwan, Ya Allah!


The same thing was what happened with Maria. Irfan organized the same thing for her and she couldn't help but yell out of Joy

"Afrah, he decorated the place and it looks so beautiful. You need to see.!"

"Nonsense! Ridwan decorated a place for me here at Maui tropical beach and you need to see the place and Oh! I'm going to Study at UAE girl. Freaking UAE!!!" Afrah yelled with happiness

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