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Manila, Philippines

Zarah sipped her drink keeping her phone on the table "So Sheila, when did you arrive at Manila?"

Sheila mashed her lips together "For long. I've been here for a little long." As they say, curiosity kills the cat and it killed Sheila "So your parents live here?" She had to ask the question that has been bordering her since

Zarah shook her head sideways "Nope. I'm all alone here and that's why I need you as a Friend. I came for studies."

Sheila's mouth formed an o. Zarah is the first person she knew that came to study in Manila. People don't usually come here for studies probably because of the weather.

"I came here for makeup business but after I was done, I didn't want to leave, so I stayed." Sheila lied, forming a smile

"Oh! You're a makeup artist? That's my all time dream career. I'll try it after my school." Zarah said with a wide smile.

Sheila also smiled. They gist, laughed, and shared stories together like old friends but However, sheila  had to notice that something was bothering Zarah. Even after she tried hiding it so hard, Sheila had to notice that she zone off often and smiles at her phone not paying attention to what Sheila was saying. Sheila snached Zarah's phone with furrowed eye brows "You aren't paying any heed to my Story." Sheila pouted, glaring at Zarah playfully

"Am Sorrryyyyyy..." Zarah dragged. " I was just looking at Something."

Sheila had to notice the hint of Sadness behind Zarah's orbs. She turned the phone and her eyes almost budge out of their sockets as Her eyes came in contact with Ridwan's Picture in the phone. Sheila rose her head to look at Zarah while Zarah only smiled a sad smile. She didn't know what was happening.

"Why were you smiling at this picture?" Sheila asked, "I mean, I know this person but why were you staring at his picture?"

"The person in this picture is someone I loved So much. But,..." She sighed "I guess fate stored something different for us."

Sheila furrowed her eye brows "I don't understand fate stored something different for you, Meaning?"

Zarah chortled, "So, Maybe I should start from the utmost beginning? Well, I'm Zarah Ado Usman. Youngest daughter of Senator Ado Usman. So, My relationship with Ridwan started when I was studying in Cyprus. I met Ridwan as a classmate and to friends and to.... Lovers I think." She shrugged "No it shouldn't be lovers since I was the only one loving him but he didn't love me. One day, I decided to approach him and tell him the truth but immediately, he told me that he wasn't interested. From then, our friendship became wonky as he tried his possible best to avoid me while I stick to him." Zarah  chuckled albeit the tears that brewed up in her eyes "One day, He told me  that I Should please leave his life. He knelt on his knees begging me and I had no choice than to leave his life. I couldn't concentrate properly in school and I ended up with bad results which resulted me to end up here.  My Father transferred me back here and I'm almost done now. Even though Ridwan would never leave my heart. He is there and would remain there."

She patted the place one can consider as the heart lies there.

Sheila shook her head sideways "It's not easy my dear, I know. But don't tell me you'd just let the love you have for him eat you all up?"

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