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Katsina, Nigeria

Sheila stood numb for some seconds before she shook her head "This is not true! It shouldn't be! Afrah is not my sister!" She yelled again

"This was a trap, and I am the most affected here. Not even Afrah herself. Just because of you!" She pointed Ridwan "Everything I did was to destroy You. You made us a trap and you embarrassed me in front of everybody!" She shifted her gaze to Simwal "And you, You dragged me into this, Tanga. Even though I began doing it on my own. And you, " She shifted her gaze to Zarah "I welcomed you Arm in Arm into this. But the only truth was that I've been nothing but a fool."

"Excuse me," Afrah spoke for the first time they came here "You caused all this for yourself, Sheila. Ridwan here only participated after I had told him to. But you, all what you wanted was to destroy us, me precisely. I wonder what you could get by destroying me. What have I done to you? Did I seat on you? No. And for Zarah," She shifted her gaze to Zarah "Zarah here didn't betray you. Infact you were only trying to use her and later dump her in the dust bin so don't call betrayal here." She merely shut her mouth off when Alhaji Idris moved to where she stood. He fell on his knees which made everyone gasp.

"I know I am the worst Father on earth. I couldn't get the chance to apologize to your Mother for destroying her life. Your mother couldn't get the Chance to experience the life Woman wants because of my silly mistake. Forgive me please. I couldn't ask your Mother for forgiveness but am asking you. Please." He joined his palms together while Afrah quickly pulled him up

"You are my  Father, and I can never do anything to change that. But please don't ask for forgiveness again. We all make mistakes and everything is over. I've forgiven you, Baba." Afrah Said with a wide smile while Alhaji Idris engulfed her into a bone crushing hug

"It's incomplete without me, " Nawal, who has been quiet since spoke as he also moved to where Afrah and his father Stood. He also joined the hug. Sheila's Mother too, moved from where she stood, to where her husband and son were "Welcome to the Saraki Family, Afrah," She said as she joined the hug. Sheila however couldn't take in that anymore

"It's not over!" She yelled running out as they pulled out from the hug. They quickly went in tow as Simwal was leading

"Sheila come back here! Don't do this to your self!" Simwal yelled " I am sorry for dragging you into this." He added walking faster.

She ran to the Street and stopped midway,"Would you shut up? You saw everything and you know it too well that I'm the most affected person here—"

"Sheila!" Simwal yelled as a truck was coming on the way. Before he could run and save her, "Garaam!" Was the sound that came to their ears and they realised that Sheila laid there—In a pool of blood. Simwal and Ridwan quickly run after the truck but they couldn't get him

Nawal ran to where his sister laid "Sheila, can you hear me?" He caressed her head as if that would stop blood from coming out

"Simwal, I... I... " She trailed off, as a cough of blood stopped her. Just then Simwal came in a hurry and knelt in Front of her, beside Nawal

"Simwal, I.. I.. " She trailed off again before she went on, "I.. Love you" She dropped the bomb making him stay dead on his tracks. Nawal shifted his gaze to Simwal who kept numb for some seconds "I do, Sheila.... I do love you,  Alot." Simwal said staring at Sheila. Shortly after, the Ambulance came and Sheila was taken to the hospital

Even though she couldn't make it,

She died.

Her Jhanaixa was done and she was taken to her grave,

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