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"Shelia! Shelia!" Ridwan called out not caring about people that kept looking at them

"Shelia, I don't want this to be the talk of the town please. Let's talk like adults." Ridwan added with a pleading look

He set his lips into a straight Line knowing how he would console her "You're Mi Amóre, as pretty as a picture, Habibty, Her highness the one and only Ridwan's Queen..."

Shelia tried biting the smile that stole it's way to her lips but she failed "It's okay, you are over it."

"Alright then, let's head for ice cream!"


"You know, I don't really want weekend to come. This General breakfast thing is something not pleasant." Afrah mumbled putting  her smoky jollof rice down her throat

"I agree with you Right. The work is more than necessary." Nina concurred supping her drink. They are done with lunch but Ridwan and Shelia are yet to come back, so they sat down in the kitchen Marble floor and ate food together with the rest of the maids

"But for us, Weekends are our leisure time. We get to rest hehe!" Bilkisu squealed grinning.

"Oh yeah!" Rukkayah squealed also bumping her knuckles with Bilkisu's

Afrah and Nina are cooks, while Rukkayah and Bilkisu are chamber maids

Afrah rolled her eyes but  remembered something "Guys, is it true that Shelia lady is our soon to be new mistress?" Afrah wanted to know if it's what she's suspecting but from the looks of everything that is the fact. So she decided to confirm but with style

Nina lowered her voice "I think so, but where did you hear that?"

Afrah gulped down her meat. She didn't know what to say now "You know, news spread like wild fire." She shrugged acting all neutral.

"But she's kind of nice, if I may say." Nina shrugged

Ruky scoffed "To whom she chose right? Is she nice to Afrah? Of course not." They all know Shelia can be nice to whom chose. She acts like a pregnant woman with mood swings

"Like a pregnant woman with mood swings." Afrah mumbled giggling causing them to giggle. Rukkayah drew her index finger and thumb from left the end of her mouth to the other end


The all giggled and munched on their meal as they licked their fingers blessing Afrah and Nina over and Over again but mostly blessing Afrah because they said Nina did nothing apart from chopping onions after crying to Mr onion. The puffy eyes she came out of the kitchen with, proves that


Afrah was done with everything but those love birds are still yet to come back. It's already Magrib and they left since Asr time which is around 3:30 pm

What were they even discussing for that long? Afrah mentally hissed to herself without even knowing the reason. She headed to the main door to leave and retire back to their quarters

She heard soft Susurrus and giggles coming closer. Ridwan was talking to Sheila and she was laughing over something he said, but he smiled immediately he saw Afrah. Which she feigned a smile but it fell immediately Sheila glared at her

"Urh, Are you going back to the maid's Quarter's now?" Shelia asked with a fake smile. She did it for a purpose of hers and Afrah understood it. She indirectly called Afrah a maid and is indirectly telling her 'You are not his type'

Nevertheless, Afrah nodded with a small fake smile. Ridwan collected the Nylon that was with Shelia. He brought out a cup of ice-cream handing it to Afrah leaving Shelia with Agape mouth. What the heck!

Afrah smiled and stretched her hand to Take it but he raised it up knowing it's out of her reach

"You jump and take it!" He laughed after seeing the expression on Afrah's face

"What is this please!" Afrah whined which the glare Sheila is sending to her didn't go unnoticed by her. She tried jumping but couldn't get it. She huffed folding her arms over her torso and feigning hurt

"Sorry Your–" He wanted to say your highness but remembered Sheila stood by his side  "Your self."  He corrected clearing his throat after Sheila sent him a glare causing Afrah to laugh at him. Sheila huffed and left the place. He called her name but she ignored and left. He sighed handing Afrah the Ice cream and he playfully glared at her as she stuck her tongue at him

"You have a lot Consolation to do." She laughed and left

While he only smiled shaking his head sideways. This two women are about to make him go gaga

The Queen watched all that from a far distance. She really needs to do something about this. Afrah is slowly getting her way into Ridwan's life


Irfan drove into the palace and to the place where he normally parks his car. He has been thinking of a girl he couldn't get out of his mind and only saw that he was about to hit a lady. He pressed the brake forcefully and released a long sigh as the car stopped. He quickly busted out of the car and ran to where the lady hugged herself tightly covering her face

"Are you okay? Hope the car didn't hurt you?" He asked to which the lady uncovered her face and they both gasped laughing

"Irfan right?" Afrah asked while he nodded


She also nodded smiling

Durunrunrun! Irfan is here 💃💃💃

But do you think Ridwan has some feelings for Afrah?

Well, we go see 😉

You know, on my Instagram profile I wrote that I'm a bilingual writer and honestly I was because I'm no longer now

I started writing an engausa story but, Wai Allah!  It's quite hard so I'm no longer in 😂😂

But maybe I would go on who knows 🤷

You know, I'm one hell of a confused lady 😂😂

Just like Sheila and mood swings 😂

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Please do check my Instagram handle @ Fateema_writes

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