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Ridwan threw his phone on the sofa. He palmed his face and sighed for the 5th time.

Zubair sat down close to Ridwan "You know, what you did is the headline of every website." Zubair spoke twinning his fingers

"I know Zubair, but I've got no other choice what am wondering though is why  Mai Martaba didn't make any attempt of looking for me. He has to power to order anyone to look for me but he didn't." Ridwan drew his brows down

Zubair stared at him "And do you want him to look for you?"

Ridwan shook his head hastily "Of course Not! What are you saying even?"

Zubair pressed his lips together "Then why do you worry?"

Ridwan sighed "I'm just wrapping my head around the fact." Zubair is Ridwan's friend that lives in Abuja. They were classmates then but . So after Ridwan ran away, he came to Zubair's place at Abuja. Luckily for him, Zubair couldn't attend the wedding if not he wouldn't have known where to hide peacefully. Zubair lives alone because he works at Abuja while his parents are in Gombe

"Anyways enough of that. Why do look worried and who were you trying to call since?"

Ridwan sighed "It's Afrah. She doesn't pick my calls, neither does she replies my messages. I've hurt her feelings Ridwan. She deserves someone way better than me."

Zubair rested his hand on Ridwan's shoulder "If you love her then why did you tell her that Ridwan? Just take a look at yourself. Look at how you look stressed and worried just because she doesn't pick your calls. This alone shows you how important she is to you. Do you know how a lady's heart can be fragile? Especially if she didn't expect it from the person. Getting a lady's love is very hard and difficult but losing it is easy. I know right, something happened but you can't solve any problem with paranoia! ."

"I'm emotionally confused, Zubair."

"I know try hard not to be. Sit down, listen to your heart, reason with yourself, and sort out your feelings."

Ridwan nodded setting his lips into a straight line. He gave Zubair a manly hug of appreciation

Zubair smiled but realization dawned on him "Did you call anyone in the Palace apart from Afrha?"

Ridwan shook his head sideways "I called her only."

"Ridwan, this alone shows you that Afrah important to you. You didn't even call your mother."

"I wanted to call her, but wallah is better I call Mai Martaba than to call her. She won't understand at all." His Mother always understands him but she didn't in this case. He doesn't how Sheila blackmailed her or rather them

"But at least call someone. You might as well know how Afrah is doing."

Ridwan nodded "You're right. Who should I even call?" He stared into a space "Wait, I'll call Irfan."


Irfan sighed as Sultana kept knocking on his door. He hissed  and released a sigh. He would surely have to buy encryption doors and put it in his chamber so that he can for once rest. He stood up and opened the door but shook his head at the grinning Sultana

"What is it... Sultu?" He added the last part knowing how she doesn't like the name and keeps complaining when they call her that. She huffed and turned around but before she left, she pulled Iran's hand and gave him his phone. She huffed and walked out trying to form a stern face. Irfan peeped to see if she's gone and after he saw she was,  he busted out the laugh he detained since. His phone rang making scrunch his face a little because it was an unknown number

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