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Abba pretended not to see Anti Saude. He pushed Afrah forcefully huffing

"What the heck is wrong with you? I'm I not a Father to you huh? After everything Saudat did to you?! After everything?! I never thought a small girl like would know things like that talk more of approaching me with that. Try to have some shame please. Tsk Tsk pitiful." He shook his head sideways.

He side stepped the shocked Afrah only to see his wife standing at the door way. Or he pretended to see her Now

"Saudat—" He moved to where she stood engulfing her in a hug. She still didn't move an inch, and didn't say a word. She huffed and pushed him away. Moving to where Afrah stood

"Mami wallahi–" She cut her off with a slap that the prints of her fingers had to show

"I never expected that Afrah! Never!" She shook her head with disappoommtwn

Afrah released the sob that filled her throat only to see Abba smirking behind

"I didn't do that–"

Anti Saude laughed a sorrowful laugh "Don't even start lying to me. If you didn't do it then I did right?" She pointed herself while Afrah shook her head sideways


Anti Saude grabbed Afrah by the hand and moved to their room. She frantically opened Afrah's closet and and pulled everything out throwing it on the ground

"Get the heck out of my house now!" She yelled pointing at the clothes on the ground. Afrah cleared her tears and packed her clothes into a traveling bag. She packed all her books because by hook or by crook she has to go to school. She can't just stop schooling now that she's almost done with secondary school. The woman at the restaurant told her that she's not going to start working at the palace till when she's done with her secondary school so for now, she has to work to pay the rest of her school fees. She packed everything but before she walked out, she gave Abba a once over and turned to Anti Saude whom stood,  with the hatred of the girl she once called her daughter

"Anti Saude, I know seeing is believing but try to know everything. Try to figure out everything and know who you can trust. Just know that Trust is reciprocal. I really appreciate everything you did to me, so I don't complain because you send me out of your house. Maybe you have taken your part in my life. I Love you and take you as my Mother, No matter the obstacles, that would never change." She walked out wiping the Annoying tear that escaped her eye

She headed to the restaurant to find a place and settle for the main time. Afrah sighed in exasperation as the restaurant was locked. Was she stupid? Who would leave his shop open around this time? In this world that is no longer a safe place. Afrah sat down on the patio chair under the shade of a porch.

"Jaguar, see one fine wine there." One of Jaguar's Men spoke pointing at Afrah through the window

"As pretty as a picture!" Jaguar exclaimed rubbing his fingers together

One of his men stopped the Car and he jumped out of the Hyundai Santora with two of his men in tow

"Aloha Mi Amòre!" Jaguar spoke with his thick German accent. Afrah rose her head hastily to look at the hoarse voice that startled her. Giving them a glance only made her stomach flutter. They look scary and intimidating and again, it's already 9pm and every soul in this GRA has retired back home. She began shivering and muttering the Dua that only it can save her from this people

She cleared her throat so her voice won't come out wonky "What do you want?" She asked tightening the grip she gave her travelling bag

"You." he replied making her look at him

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