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The Queen narrowed her eyes at Afrah "What is wrong with You?! Don't you know he is your master?" Her façade held a stern look

Afrah duck her head down "I'm sorry your Highness." She tried composing herself because she can't afford making any mistake now in front of the Queen

Her highness Salmah shot Ridwan a glare making him release a boyish smile. She told Afrah to wait for them outside.


"Yes, your highness."

"I understand you know each other else where and I don't even care to know where you know her. But my concern here is, She is Your maid-"

"Cook." He corrected earning a glare from his mother

"Whatever you call it. In short form you are her Master, so you have to act like one. Never let her call your name straightforward henceforth, don't be too friendly with her because I know how you can be. Act as a Royal please." She glared at him because she knows what he's capable of doing. Won't he for once have the calm posture not to ramble to anyone and act as a Royal? Or better yet, A prince

They moved out and met Afrah standing alone

"Let's Go." The Queen spoke leading the way.  So many people greeted the Queen and Ridwan but none of them paid any heed to Afrah. They stopped after reaching the Beautiful yet cozy, and elegant chamber. The Queen told one of the Chamber maids to take her to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them. Afrah went into the Kitchen and eye raped the kitchen admiring how beautiful it is. If wishes were horses then she wish one day she would own this type of kitchen. She picked a Menu on the kitchen Island. shoving her hand through the pages and settled on what to cook. She did everything with extra love for the kitchen and what she was cooking

"Hello dear, I'm Ameena known as Nina. I'm your assistant cook." The girl beamed at Afrah to which she reciprocated. Wait, did she just say she's Afrah's assistant? God this means Afrah is the head cook of the Chamber.

"I'm Afrah."

"Oh that's a nice name. Okay let me help you with setting the table. I can see you're done but you're so fast at cooking if I would say." She began taking the dishes to the dinning room and in within some minutes, she was done.

They went back to the dinning room and Nina Sashayed to tell the Queen and the prince to come for dinner.


After the Queen had left, Ridwan told the rest of the maids to leave but made a signal for Afrah to stay. She came to the sitting room and attempted to sit on the Carpet but he glared at her. She chortled and sat on the Sofa

"I really enjoyed your Food Stranger B." He turned on the Huge Plasma TV that was pinned to the wall opposite them.

"Wait why are you calling me Stranger B? I'm Afrah." She wanted to scold but it clicked in her mind that she's speaking with her Master so she spoke reverently

He shrugged "Well you told me that wired name as your name and I can't really call you that so.. "

"But I never knew you were a prince. That explained the handsome figure though." She couldn't hold the last part to herself so it had to come out

"See you, then who told you because I'm part of the Royal family then I have to be handsome?" He laughed out loud adjusting his seating position. He really enjoys staying with Afrah

"Yes, because of Royal blue blood that is. Hey, what do you do during your free time? For me, I read books. It takes away my worries and boost my vocabulary." She got rid of that topic wisely

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