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Ridwan pushed away the laptop he has been using since. He needs to go to some eatery because these days the food at the palace does not suffice him. And he needs to go for outing or any eatery. He is now done with his studies and is back to Nigeria.

He brought out his iPhone 13 dialing a number. After two minutes, the person picked

"Yarima! " The person exclaimed which he only sighed knowing who is that. He had to move it away from his ear to help himself

"Sheila,.where's your brother? And why is his phone with you." Ridwan stood up starting to get ready. He put the phone on speaker and kept it on the bed as he gets ready

"For your first question, Ya Nawal is not around he went to be on a date with his girlfriend. And for his phone, he's my brother then what do you expect."

Ridwan chortled "Keep the lie babe. There's no way Nawal would go for any date whatnot. I know your brother with the attitude of not paying any heed to girls."

"Tsk. Wallah the two of you are one hell of annoying bunch of men. Get girlfriends you would not get."

Ridwan laughed wholeheartedly at her whine. That is always her work. Perks of being the last born anyway "I've gotten mine already, so it's remaining your brother to slip out of bachelor hood." He wiggled at the end waiting for her reply

He heard a spank of something but realised that it was her legs that hit the floor. He concluded that she jumped because of the squeal he heard "Are you serious?"

"Uhhum. If you want to see her, move out of where you are now, and head to the main entrance."

"Wait are you like serious? You are here?"

"Yeah girl."

She jumped off the bed and jumped downstairs moving to the main entrance standing in the walk in lobby. She stared at the patio in there and let out a hiss as she didn't see anyone

"You ain't seating on the patio then where are you guys?"

He ignored her question "Now turn around." He said smiling

She rolled her eyes "I don't like pranks please."

"Who told you it's a prank. Don't be too faster than your shadow."

She sighed and turn around and only see her reflection in the mirror "So, I see myself at the Mirror then what is it?"

"I never knew you could be so ignorant. That means it's you, Fool."

She let out a hiss laughing a little "Well done for making me run all the way downstairs Just to me show me myself on the mirror."

He shrugged "I know you don't usually check the mirror so I helped you."

"Shelia! where's my phone?!" Her brother yelled. He snatched his phone from his sister making her whine

He shoved the phone to his ear
"Hey waddup dude? Shelia is here filling your ear drums with her usual unnecessary whines and words right?"

Ridwan chortled "Yeah Sheila is unique in her own way." He didn't know when he said that. He feels a way he can't really explain on Sheila. The girl is beautiful, Blabby, and talksome......Ugh!  He can't really sort out

"Is something wrong Ridwan?" Nawal asked sounding worried

"Nothing, Man. Erh I've been trying to get Jibril's number but it's not going through. Maybe we should go for outing the 3 of us." He tried diverting the topic and Salim understood that. He decided to let him be. He'll make him spill out later

"Oh, the Solider is always busy but have you forgotten his phone spoiled?"

"Oh sorry! I've forgotten. My memory is like a sieve this days."

And with this, Nawal knew something is bothering his friend


Afrah scrunched her face looking through the French door. Is that not Ridwan she's seeing or is her eyes playing pranks on her? Before she could move out, the car already zoomed out. She shrugged while the demi part of her not feeling happy about this. She walked to where two girls sat. She adjusted her apron popping out her pen ready to write their orders

She greeted them with a smile but only one answered. Afrah mentally scoffed at the  girl who didn't answer

"What can I get you?" She asked professionally

"Watermelon cocktail."The friendly one among them answered while the other one mumbled something under her breath. Afrah didn't hear her so she decided to ask. It's not a crime to ask anyway but the lady doesn't understand that

"What the heck is wrong with you?! I told you I want nothing then what else?!"

Afrah gritted her teeth. She sees no reason this lady would snap at her because of no reason "Excuse me, it's not a crime to ask incase if you've missed it. So you don't need to Snap."

She walked away leaving the lady shouting at the top of her lungs. To Afrah, life is too short to spend snapping and fighting with anybody that comes your way. The manager of the restaurant came out to see what was happening. From what she understood, the girl is Just moody because she didn't actually see anything wrong in what Afrah did. She asked then what's the problem?


"Mami, today I almost fought with a girl." Afrah told Anti Saude what happened today at the restaurant

"It's better that you didn't stay and fight with her. Snapping at people or being rude is not always a solution."

"Wallahi Mami. Life is to short to spend fighting with people." Yumnah who was watching the television commented and focusing back on the TV

"See her. Mami! I think we should start buying kitchen utensils and keeping it because the time is coming very soon. Yumnah is trying to be Matured." Afrah teased laughing

"For the two of you right? Yeah, I understand." Anti Saude said making Afrah furrow her eye brows

"What! No! "

And it's now time for Yumnah to laugh now.


A figure walked into the girl's room. He checked Yumnah and sighed as she was sleeping, As usual

Like a corpse

He went straight to Afrah's bed and his hand was meter away from touching Afrah's face when the place illuminated

Yumnah and Afrah weren't sleeping. They pretended to be sleeping to know who is the person that comes into their room

They both gasped as they stared at the person who stood in guilt

And Afrah did what they both didn't expect, She slapped him hard on his Face taking them all by surprise

Oh yeah!
I can't wait for when we go start drama hehehe!!
Reviews so far??

I know am dragging it but don't worry, when I think and know what to write, then you've got no problem 😉

I have a book to read right now

I wanted to publish everything since when fah but this network problem is really affecting me 😥

Anyways, Ciao!!

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