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After the obstacles and sweats, Afrah is done with her secondary school. How did she do it huh? Well, she was lucky that Anti Saude paid her 1st term school fees so she worked hard and hard And harder to pay for her Waec fees. She stayed with Maria and her Mother and go for any work that comes her way. Washing of clothes, taking so many shifts at the restaurants she's working, working as a maid. She badly wanted to start working at the palace but she already had an agreement with them that she would start after her graduation so they won't be any distraction. She regretted making that agreement though. With the help she got from Maria and her Mother, and also those works she did, she finally raised ₦30,000 and she paid for her fees. And now here she is! Called on the stage as the best Student of the Year! Ya Rabb! She studied hard and hard and it paid off. She looked around the hall but sighed as She didn't meet Yumnah's gaze. If not for Abba, Anti Saude and Yumnah would be here and  also sharing the happiness with her. Since After she left the house, she didn't see any of them. Not Yumnah or Anti Saude or even Abba. She once went to the house but only to find it locked and their neighbour's gateman told her that they left since and didn't come back

The hall became pin drop silenced all waiting for her to speak

"Firstly, I would like to dedicate the award to My late Mother. I took a promise to her that I would never stop seeking for knowledge. On her dying bed, she told me:
"Make sure to take care of yourself even if am not around. The childishness and stubbornness should cease please Afrah. You are not a child but a young lady, so therefore, the time is coming. The time when so many people would lean on you, the time you would be called a wife and a Mother.." 

She told me,

"Let me finish Afrah. This might be the last sentences I would utter so let me Spill. Don't ever stop seeking for knowledge no matter the situations. Be a person the society would the proud of, be a person the world would be proud to call it's bona-fide member"

And I took her advise. I tried to be responsible and I did so many things for myself. I worked hard to pay for my funds and I worked hard to hold this trophy with my hand. You left my life when I didn't know the lubish part of life. When I believed life is a bed of Roses. But that was what triggered me on jumping on my feet, and I became whom you wanted me to be

Secondly, I would like to thank my second Mother. She took her part in my life too well and helped me in this Journey of mine. She gave me the full care and support I needed till when I needed nothing. When I had no complaint about nothing, when everything was perfect to me. I know life took drastic turns but I would never stop loving you and taking you as my Mother. My fake twin, I really love you all so much. I miss our skin care, our chats, our makeups, ramblings,... I love you so much " She blew a kiss to the air

" I would like to thank the two people that took the remaining part in my life. They helped me in so many aspects which I much appreciate. I wish I had a way to repay you back. I love you.

Lastly is my teachers and my fellow classmates

My teachers, I know I am stubborn, silly, and annoying but that didn't stop you from making me who I am today. You carved out the accomplished side of me which I really appreciate for that

To my fellow class mates, I know I too much look for trouble and annoy you, I know I ramble and fill your ears but that didn't stop you guys from loving me. Remember, you are done with secondary school but it's now that you've started school. Study hard when you get to the higher level of schooling, move on with your dream and try to achieve your dream. Be Accomplished!

Abdul Jalal, Maryam, and the rest of my friends and classmates, let's say cheers to our success and remember, I do love y'all!" She removed her graduation cap and they all did and chorused

"Cheers for our Success!"


Afrah woke up extra bit nervous today because she's starting work at the Palace today

"You've got this Afrah." Maria and her Mother tried shunning away the anxiousness in her. They escorted her to the Palace and here is Afrah. Mouth agape in Astonishment because she has never been in the palace before

"This is as Marvelous!" She breathed out. It took them ages before they were allowed to go in. They had to call Jakadiya before she came and went in with them. Afrah saw bunch of people buzzing around with their activities. Is that all how they went through this procedures before they were allowed to go in?

Jakadiya took them to a place where they have the same uniform but unlike the rest maids in the palace. Their own uniform is unique. She took her to one of the rooms and they realised it was an office. They entered with a taslim on their lips and looking at the wall and all paintings, it shows that the owner of this small office is a cook. Or Maybe a chef

"Pro, this is the new Cook." Jakadiya explained everything to Labiba chef which they call Pro. She is the head of every cook working in this palace. She assigns and check on the cooks to each chamber

"What is your name young lady? Pro Asked

"Afrah." She replied

Maria and her Mother introduced themselves as her guidance and next of kin. They signed the next of kin papers and after the advises, Jakadiya leaded and they left.

"Afrah dear, feel free to tell me when you need something. I'm Chef Labiba also known as Pro. I assign every cook to each chamber and I check to see if everything is fine. There are lots of times when the Royals have a General eating so that is when all cooks of the chambers Gather and cook together. The Royals have a General breakfast, lunch and dinner every Weekend so that is when all the cooks would cook together. Every chamber is assigned with a cook and assistant to cook breakfast lunch and dinner. But in your own case, the prince brought you himself because he is pleased with your food. So now, I'll take You to> the queen and then I'll take you to the chamber where you would work. When you are done, You come back here to sleep and prepare breakfast early in the morning. There are 3 other maids that would work with you but one is a cook, while the others are maids to Take care of every work at the Palace." Afrah nodded as everything went into her brain. Pro lead her as she walked into the palace and stopped when she reached the gigantic chamber among all the chambers. Seems like it is the Main palace but Pro told her that it's not. It's just the Queen's Chamber and not even the King's. She spotted another one same as this one and she was told that it was The Waziri's wife's Chamber. She told her that the throne room is the biggest place even bigger than apart from the Waziri's chamber which is the King's brother, and The king's chamber.

They walked in and immediately were greeted with the maids that perform their activities. The Queen sat on a soft lush carpet watching her television. Afrah was surprised when she didn't see any Maid fanning her or massaging her legs like every Royals do. They sat at the far end of the Carpet greeting her. She answered with a small smile as it should be

"Hope you've explained everything to Her Pro?" The Queen asked

Pro nodded "Yes your highness. But they are some things that you would need to  \tell her yourself."  The Queen nodded knowing what it was. She is the only one that knows when her Son takes his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She explained everything to Afrah and she called the Prince to inform him about the new cook he asked for is here

The prince walked in with a smile on his face. Afrah's mouth was agape "Ridwan!" She called out, totally forgetting that he is her master.

"Stranger B!"

Wai Allah 😳

After the twists, they've finally met 😂

What did you Say about Afrah's speech?

Well, I almost teared up because I imagined it as if it was real, like realistic imagination

Do you think this Queen would be a problem?

Anyways, Take care

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