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Irfan stared at Maria as she was sleeping peacefully. She looked scary as her face was in a frown but to him, she looked cute. He really can't wrap his head around how he fell head over hills for Maria. And this makes him give the situation a thought, Did ever loved Afrah? The way he felt for her and the way he feels are two different things. Maybe, Just Maybe what he fell for Afrah wasn't love because he let it go easily. Or Maybe, he didn't go deep in Afrah's love which he is more than glad for that. He shook his head sideways to get rid of those thoughts.

"Morning Iro." Maria smiled calling him with the name she calls him with if she wants to tease him.

He pulled her nose "Naughty Mur."

She only giggled while he pulled her against his chest  "You know, it's hard for me to believe that this isn't a dream." He spoke

"Iro?" She called out


"I love you so much. So much." She said ending with a sigh

"I love you too Mur. So much."


Afrah smiled at Ridwan through the Mirror. He ringed his arms on her waist looking at her through the mirror.

"Bonito let's go we'll be late."

The newly weds are supposed to climb horses and go round the whole Palace to greet the elders and all their aunties, uncles, and relatives

Ridwan grimaced "The palace is way too big  Afrah. I'm afraid maybe you have to faint before you'll be done seeing our relatives."

Afrah's face lit up but immediately gloom after reminiscing  she has to face the Queen. She remembered before they brought her here, they had to Take her to her mother in-law's room and left them alone so she'll lecture Afrah  but the woman only sent her a deadly glare that within a second, Afrah stood up and left the room. This alone screams how her Mother doesn't like her.

"Is something Wrong?" Ridwan asked

"Urm, Ah.. I don't really know how your mother would act towards me. Would she embrace me or—"

"Shhh! Don't complete that. She'll embrace you Insha Allah Now let's get going. Worry no more okay?"

She nodded and managed to push a smile to take over her features.

"Aha. Now for us to be quick, just hop on my back and let's get super-duper-going!" Ridwan widened his arms in air running around as if when kids pretend to be an Aeroplane when playing.

Afrah giggled wondering when her bonito would actually be an adult "Tell me I married a child trapped in an Adult's body." Afrah laughed causing Ridwan to laugh also. The love they share for each other is priceless and Treasured.


"Morning Lovey dovies!" Afrah beamed to Irfan and Maria who were walking hand in hand. The maids and guards all begun sending their greetings and pleasantries. They all replied smiling.

"Morning Bonito's chefra." Maria beamed as they approached Ridwan and Afrah who were also walking hand in hand. Irfan and Ridwan did their chub knuckle Thingy and

They walked over to two beautiful horses

"Amazing!" The brides cooed while the grooms whispered something to their selves and Turned to look at their brides who watched the horses in awe.

"Let's go for the white one pretty please bonito!" Afrah shook Ridwan's arm repeatedly "Please! Please please!"

Ridwan only rolled his eyes and they moved towards the White one while Maria and Irfan immersed towards the black one

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