25. Pyramid and rehearsal

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Brooklyn POV -
Lexi Scarlett Jess
Lemon Priyanka kiara juice
"Okay bottom of the pyramid is juice and kiara your duet was 3rd that's not good enough for you both you should be winning. Next is Priyanka and lemon your guys duet was second I thought you did great but you let the second youngest person on the team come in and beat uses are tou going to let it happen again o do t think so. Jess you where the winning teen duet but you fell on the handstand walk in the group. Next is Scarlett you where in the winning teen duet and you where great in the group dance. And lexi you where I. The top duet and I couldn't keep my eyes of you. And on the top is Tynomi you where the lead of your duet and where exceptional in the group. Okay I have 5 solos and 2 trios my first solo is to Lexi and it's music theatre called Broadway baby my next solo is to Jess it's jazz called hollaback girl next solo is to lemon it's acro called on my own next solo is to juice it's tap called can you feel it final solo is to tynomi it's hip-hop called 7/11. Okay my first trio is to lemon Jess and Lexi it's lyrical called birds whisperer and my other trio is to Scarlett Priyanka and juice it's lyrical called black birds. The group this week it's lyrical  called open water Lexi you are not in the group this week I want you to focus on your solo and trio"

Jess POV
I have a jazz solo called hollaback girl and I'm really excited for it "okay Jess this solo has to be amazing so I need all these sassy faces you have" miss hytes says I learn the routine and it's so fun after I watch lemon learn her solo most people don't know but lem is  actually really good at acro she finishes and we go home

Lemon POV
I'm really excited for my trio this week with Jess and Lexi I really hope that we win we learn the routine and it's okay the song is a bit weird but we just need to sell it after we learn the group and we have this prop on the back that looks like sand and we start on it we hop on the bus and go to the competition

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