13. Pyramid and rehearsals

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Brooklyn POV
Kiara juice Priyanka Jess lemon Lexi
"Whoo we won I'm so in pressed with all the results this week so we have one line of every one because you are all winners. Okay this week we are going to New York dance experience in Los Angeles California. I have three solos. my first solo is to lemon. it's musical theatre called it's not my fault. My next solo is to kiara. it's jazz called holla and my final solo goes to Priyanka. it's tap called game of love . I have a trio that goes to juice Jess and Lexi. it's acro called girl fun. The group this week is inspired by the movie bridesmaids. it's musical theatre called always a bridesmaid. Okay solos and duos today group tomorrow.

Lemon pov
I'm super happy that I have solo and it's musical theatre. it's one of my favourite styles to dance. "Okay Lemon your solo is called not my fault. it's like you bragging like it's not my fault I'm rich, I'm famous and it's really fast choreography do you think you can handle it" "yeah" "good let's start " I learn the routine and she was right it is really fast but I'm sure I'll be fine. I just have to remember to breathe and that's it. After I watched juice Jess and Lexi learn there trio. It looks so fun I like the music it's a really entertaining routine after we grab are things and I carry Lexi out to the car and help her into her car seat then we head home. When we get home we have something to eat then go to bed.

Lexi pov
Today we are learning the group and I'll really excited. Musical theatre is a great style because you can use your facial expressions and preform lots more. I'm happy that I'm in the group. I've never see the movie bridesmaids. I think I maybe have to be a bit older to watch it but what I have heard it's a great movie. After we rehearse we hop on the bus to the competition. i sit beside my mum because I don't really want to sit at the back of the bus sometimes I just like being with my mum. I fall asleep and I wake up in a chair in the dressing room And all the girls are getting ready.

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