3. Awards

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1st in mini solo is miss Lexi with the knock out

1st in junior solo is miss Jess with superstar

1st in pre-teen solo is miss lemon with I'm alive

3rd in teen solo is miss kiara with the winner takes it all
2nd in teen solo is miss Priyanka with say something say anything
1st in teen solo is miss juice with ballerina

1st in pre-teen Trio is lemon Jess and Lexi with we believe

1st in teen trio is Priyanka kiara and juice with the world is ours

1st in teen group is BHDC with this is my beauty

9th overall is miss kiara with the winner takes it all
8th overall is miss Priyanka with say something say anything
7th overall is miss lemon with I'm alive
6th overall is Priyanka kiara and juice with the world is ours
5th overall is Lemon Jess and Lexi with we believe
4th overall is miss juice with ballerina
3rd overall is miss Lexi with the knock out
2nd overall is miss Jess with superstar
1st overall with a perfect 300 is this is my beauty from BHDC

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