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two girls waiting for a third at the front of the school, growing tired, waiting to make an entrance

"what's taking her so long" sana says rolling her eyes
"i'm so close to just leaving her" hajra said crossing her arms

the third girl finally arrives out of breath


the two girls completely change their moods and yell excitingly while jumping up and down

"I KNOW I MISSED YOU GUYS!" farwa says with excitement

farwa was gone for the summer on "vacation"

"okay we should go inside now it's late" hajra says looking at her designer watch purposefully showing it off hoping someone would notice
"ya school started like an hour ago or something" sana said
"okok let's go" farwa hurriedly said while pushing the other two inside

the three friends walked in the middle of the hallway, everyone moving out of their way, eyes wandering scared to make eye contact

they make it to their lockers, which were always next to each other each year for 9th, 10th and now 11th grade

the principle and teachers were encouraged not to mess with them three seeing as their parents funded the school

the girls stood at their lockers and began to talk as friends

"farwa what are you wearing?!" hajra said with a disgusted look on her face
"you think boys are gonna be head over heels for that!?" sana added on
"oh shut up i woke up late today, i had no time to pick anything out" farwa defended herself
"yeah whatever put some effort next time" sana said demeaningly

just then yeonjun, a star football player, walks up to them

"YEONJUN BABY HIII!!" sanas face lights up as she jumps in his arms
"heyy babe" yeonjun replies while holding her

farwa and hajra give dirty looks, maybe out of disapproval or jealousy, who knows

jeonghan comes along

"come on yeonjun the coach wants us before 3rd period starts" jeonghan says while pulling yeonjun away
"awww bye my babyyy" sana said while pouting
"yeah bye see you later" yeonjun waved goodbye
"i'm gonna throw up" hajra whispers to farwa
"i know i can't stand them"

sana turns to them still pouting

"awww you guys are so cute" farwa said
"i knowwww i'm so jealous of you guys" hajra added

they said as if they weren't just gagging a second ago

"omg guys stop, you know what he said to me the other day it was sooo cute" sana said holding her hands up to her mouth excited to tell them

"uh wow we missed 1st and 2nd period already we should go" farwa said trying to change the subject from hearing about their relationship anymore than they have to
"oh...ya we should go, we have the same class, bye hajra" sana said walking off with farwa

right when hajra was out of their sight they started talking

"did you see her watch!?" sana said surprised
"ya she tried so hard showing it off" farwa continued
"it's so out dated" sana said
"i think my grandma owns the same one" farwa added


new year new school
laila had moved for every school year, this year would be different however, her parents promised to work hard to keep them there

laila walks up to school, music blasting in her ears

she walks in her 3rd period class and sits in an empty seat next to a girl

"hi i'm laila" she says to the girl sat next to her desperately trying to make friends

she never tried to make friends before, she thought it was a waste of time since she always moved anyways, but this year they promised, they promised it would be a permanent stay

"oh hi, i'm afeefa" she said quietly
"what!?" laila asked not hearing the girl
she repeated herself, only she was even more quiet than the first time
"WHAT!?" laila yelled

afeefa looked at laila in shock
laila turned around to see the whole class staring at her
afeefa points to her ears
laila realized she had headphones in from playing her music earlier
she was so embarrassed, it was only the first day and people were already looking at her weird
laila puts her head down in embarrassment

"hey it's ok, i said my names afeefa haha" she laughed trying to get laila more comfortable and to get her to forget about her yelling in the middle of class
laila laughed with her
they got along well

"hey afeefa" hajra walks in greeting her
"hey where are your friends" afeefa asked
"they have their own class together" hajra answered
"hey i'm laila"
"um...hi laila" hajra says hesitantly
what's her problem laila thought


*bell rings*
"hey where's your next class, i'll walk you" afeefa says to laila
"oh really? thanks!"
"ok bye guys i gotta meet up with farwa and sana" hajra said walking off
afeefa made a face to hearing those names
laila noticed
laila and afeefa followed close behind hajra

two girls approached them three

"um who are these people hajra!?" sana asked confused and disgusted
"ya wtf are you doing with them" farwa said
"what? who? them?" hajra shot a look to afeefa making her back away
"sorry i was just walking to my next class" afeefa said side eyeing farwa and sana
"ya okay move along then" hajra said completely changing her mood from earlier

the three girls left, hajra turning around and mouthing "sorry" to afeefa
afeefa waved her off mouthing "it's ok"

"um what was that about!?" laila asked confused as ever
"oh it's just...hajra can be our friend in class but not infront of them two"
"huh? why!?"
"i don't know, something about her wanting to fit in with them or impress them i don't know really, but she cant be seen with us haha it's fine it's whatever i don't mind"
"that's messed up" laila said her opinion on the matter
"who cares just drop it" afeefa said not wanting to go into detail
"ok whatever" laila said dropping the situation
she still didn't feel right with it though

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