late nights

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beomgyu was walking sana home
sana could see her breath
beomgyu saw she was cold and shivering

"here you look cold" beomgyu said taking off his jacket and offering it to her

she accepted it

"thanks but what about you?" she asked concerned for the boy
"oh i'll be fine" he lied

it was quiet after that

"so you taught yeonjun how to play guitar?" sana said trying to get rid of the awkward silence
"ya he learns real fast! i taught him a song today and he was ready i play it for..." beomgyu said excited before stopping, remembering why he was with sana in the first place

he couldn't let her think about what happened just an hour ago
that was the whole reason he took her get her mind off

sana noticed him stop talking

"haha it's fine i don't think yeonjun and i had any feelings for eachother anyways, it's just an act for our reputation and appearance" sana assured him
"that's kind of a waste of time" beomgyu said expressing his opinion
"ya but what can you do" sana shrugged

he walked her all the way home and dropped her off at her doorstep

"ok well now it's really late, i gotta run home" he said
"ok well bye i'll see you tomorrow" she waved him off
"byeeee" he said running off

sana then remembered

"HEY WAIT YOUR JACKET" she yelled out to him
"GIVE IT BACK TOMORROW" he yelled back
"OKAYYY" she yelled to beomgyu who was now across the street

she smelled his jacket
it had a nice scent
she went inside and slept


shabeela was already home thinking
she thought about many things
about the new attractive boy

oh that new boy was so cute shabeela thought to her herself
maybe i should get to know him...he seems more approachable at least

maybe she could use jeonghan again to get to know him
or not
she remembered how badly that ended up last time
jeonghan was no help

she also thought about joshua giving her a juice
why was he all of a sudden doing nice gestures for her

why did he all of a sudden pay attention to me...does he actually like me??? she thought
NO. no shabeela you need to get over him, he had his chance it's time to go for some one new she said trying to convince herself she doesn't want joshua

ugh but why am i always the one going after someone...why can't someone go after me?? her last thought before she slept


laila was at home about to sleep
she kept thinking about what she said to yeonjun

was i too harsh on him? laila thought
ugh but it's true, he only cares for his why did he play me a song?? she thought

she then got to thinking about the song he played
it was a nice song
with a beautiful melody
and he played it for her
she smiled to herself
then quickly stopped

ugh omg laila you can't fall for someone like yeonjun she thought while slapping her face

she plopped down in her bed trying not to think of him
she couldn't help it though
yeonjun was her last thought before bed


it was 3 am
yeonjun was at home cozy in bed
he woke up suddenly from a nightmare
he was very paranoid now
he tried getting his mind off of the scary thoughts

he found himself thinking about laila to comfort himself
he felt guilty for not thinking of his girlfriend instead
it's not like they cared for each other anyways

he kept thinking of the way laila looked down at him while he played the guitar for her
she had big admiring eyes
he smiled to himself

his last thought before bed was laila


it was 4am
beomgyu couldn't sleep
he kept replaying the day he had with sana
he kept thinking about the fact that she had his jacket

he jumped out of bed
he needed to see her
he couldn't wait for tomorrow


it was 4:30 am
sana was alseep
she hears something hit her window 3 times 3 seconds apart each time
she woke up and looked out her window from the 2nd floor
she saw beomgyu standing on the floor waving

"BEOMGYU!?" she said as loud so only he could hear
"HOW DO I GET UP?!" he yelled out to her
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?" she was so confused

sana tied up some blankets together and threw them out the window
she couldn't just let him through the front door
her parents might wake up
well...her mom and her step dad

beomgyu climbed up and rolled into her room

"hi" he said smiling
"what the hell are you doing here!?" she whispered cautious to not wake anyone up
"i came toooo...ummmm" beomgyu said while trying to think of an excuse
"well?" sana just raised an eyebrow to him and crossed her arms
"OH my jacket!!" he yelled out finally thinking of an excuse
"SHHH ARE YOU CRAZY" she whisper yelled
"oh sorry...i came for my jacket" he whispered
"what? you said to just give it back to you tomorrow!?" she said
"i know but i just couldn't wait, i missed you too much" he said
"you m-missed me...?" sana said
"huh? what? no i meant i missed my jacket" he smiled innocently

sana just made a confused face to him

"ok we'll let me just get it then" she said walking to her closet

just then she hears footsteps coming to her room
they were heavy footsteps
she knew it was her step dad

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